Planetary Tables
The astrological tables presented here are perhaps the most important part of this site. They will enable you to assess the astrological nature of any person, place, or thing. While they are obtained from various sources, they are personalized in my own fashion thus making them unique to this site. I wish to especially thank in particular for making the main planet tables possible.

The Earth/Ascendant or Rising Sign

In Astrology the Earth is the plane upon which the heavenly bodies play out and sets up the so-called "birth chart". It is signified or represented by the ascendant or rising sign, which is where the ecliptic or heavenly path intersects with the eastern horizon at birth. The zodiacal sign here changes roughly every two hours -or twelve signs per day. Calculating your precise Ascendant is a tedious mathematical process, but below is a very rough way to determine it -provided you have an accurate knowledge of your time of birth. Consider the sign before or after your result as a possibility as well.

If you were born between the hours of 04 and 06 am your Ascendant is the same as your Sun sign
If you were born between the hours of 06 and 08 am your Ascendant is one sign after your Sun sign
If you were born between the hours of 08 and 10 am your Ascendant is two signs after your Sun sign
If you were born between the hours of 10 and 12 am your Ascendant is three signs after your Sun sign
If you were born between the hours of 12 and 02 pm your Ascendant is four signs after your Sun sign
If you were born between the hours of 02 and 04 pm your Ascendant is five signs after your Sun sign
The order or sequence of the signs is: Aries, Taurus, Gemeni, Cancer, Leo, Virgo,
Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces(followed by Aries again).
If you were born between the hours of 04 and 06 pm your Ascendant is six signs after your Sun sign
If you were born between the hours of 06 and 08 pm your Ascendant is five signs before your Sun sign
If you were born between the hours of 08 and 10 pm your Ascendant is four signs before your Sun sign
If you were born between the hours of 10 and 12 pm your Ascendant is three signs before your Sun sign
If you were born between the hours of 12 and 02 am your Ascendant is two signs before your Sun sign
If you were born between the hours of 02 and 04 am your Ascendant is one sign before your Sun sign

For a more accurate calculation of your Ascendant, a book of tables or computer program is recommended.

The Sky Dome or Heaven(Midheaven)

The Midheaven or Zenith is the Sky or Heaven, just as the Ascendant or Rising Sign is the Earth. Both halves(earthly and spiritual) and their opposite points(Descendant and IC)are the most important elements of your chart and definers of your basic individuality. While the Ascendant has more to do with your personal image, The MC or Midheaven has more to do with your public image. To find your Midheaven sign click here. More precise Midheaven positions can be obtained through a book of tables or a good computer program. Astro 123 is a very popular program(free to download).

The Moon

The Moon also requires careful calculation, as it changes signs roughly every two to three days. The Moon rules Cancer and is your daily living planet. It is often the most obvious part of you after the Ascendant or Rising Sign and is more important than the Sun in some countries like India. For Moon ingress dates for the years 1800 to 2155 AD Click here. For a daily ephemeris of the Moon's position for the years 1900 to 2035 AD click here.

The Moon's North Node

The Moon's plane crosses the ecliptic at two points called the nodes. The ascending intersection is called the Moon's North Node and the descending intersection is called the Moon's South Node. Both nodes have been shown to have a particular effect on the native, especially when aspecting a personal planet or point in the chart. Two types of node calculations are used by astrologers; the true north node and the mean north node. The true north node takes into account the Moon's wobble and/or retrograde motion while the mean node does not and is an averaged motion. For a daily ephemeris of the positions of the moon's north nodes for 1900 to 2030 AD click here and here.

Black Moon Lilith

True Lilith or the Black Moon is the Moon's lunar apogee or point closest to the Earth. It is a mathematical point taking some 8 years and ten months to complete an orbit or revolution. It was named after the original female in the Garden of Eden before Eve(some say a demoness). Astrologically it has been associated with one's dark feminine side or sexuality as well as magic and the occult. For a daily ephemeris of Black Moon Lilith's position for the years 1900 to 2035 AD click here.

2023 FW13

2023 FW13: Is it one of Earth's tiny moons or a ship of some kind. Astronomers aren't certain. Discovered in March of 2023, this 20 or so meter body follows the Earth closely yet at times goes halfway to Venus or Mars. It only goes through six signs of the zodiac. For a daily ephemeris of 2023 FFW13's position for the years 1930 to 2030 AD click here.

The Sun

The Sun is the mainstay of astrological practice because of its obvious visibility and relative fixity in the signs from year to year, and having been popularized in books and newspapers as a result. As the core of our being, the Sun holds a special place in our charts, but the other planets can be just as important. It is helpful to know that all of us are essentially twelvefold beings, with each of the twelve main bodies reflecting this, and the Sun, our eternal spirit, leads the way. For precise entry dates for the Sun's position in the signs for the years 1800 to 2155 AD click here. For a daily ephemeris of the Sun's position for the years 1900 to 2035 AD click here.


Mercury is never more than 28 degrees away from the Sun, so it can only be in the same sign as your Sun, or the sign before or after it. If you are born in the first ten days of your sign, Mercury will be either in the same sign as your sun or the sign before it. If you are in the middle ten days of your Sun sign, Mercury will in all likelihood be in the same sign as your Sun. If you are born in the last ten days of your Sun sign, Mercury will either be in the same sign or after. Mercury rules Gemini/Virgo and is your communication and skill planet. For Mercury entry dates into the signs for the years 1800 to 2155 click here For a daily ephemeris of the Mercury's position for the years 1900 to 2035 AD click here.


Venus is never more than 48 degrees from the Sun, so it can only be in the same sign as your Sun or the two signs before or after it. Venus rules Taurus(and Libra) and is your desire and relationship planet. For Venus entry dates into the signs for the years 1800 to 2155 click here. For a daily ephemeris of Venus' position for the years 1900 to 2035 AD click here.


Mars takes almost two years to make a complete orbit. It is usually in a sign for about two months except when it is in retrograde motion wherein it can stay in a sign or 30 degree portion of the sky for six to seven months. Mars rules Aries(and Scorpio) and is your drive and energy planet. For tables of Mars in the signs for 1800 to 2155 AD click here. For a daily ephemeris of Mars' position for the years 1900 to 2035 AD click here.

Mars Trojans

Mars has about 20 known trojans five of which are between 500 and 2500 meters wide. Like Jupiter, they are located some 60 degrees before or after the planet. They are probably captured pieces of the exploded planet between Mars and Jupiter. For an ephemeris of these 5 trojans for the years 1900-2040 AD click here.


Jupiter is the first of the outermost planets taking about one year to traverse each zodiac sign and about twelve years to make a complete orbit. Jupiter rules Sagittarius(and Pisces) and is your luck and wisdom planet. For Tables of Jupiter in the signs for the years 1800 to 2155 AD click here. For a daily ephemeris of Jupiter's position for the years 1900 to 2035 AD click here.

Jupiter Trojans

Jupiter has thousands of trojan asteroids in its orbit captured from the explosion of some planet between Mars and Jupiter. There are two main groups, one the Greek Camp some 60 degrees ahead of the planet and another the Trojan Camp some 60 degrees behind. Less than 20 known are over 100 kilometers in size. Click here for an ephemeris of the Greek Camp and here for an ephemeris of the Trojan Camp. Positions are fore 1900-2035 AD at 10-day intervals.


The esoteric Sigma is one of Rudhyar's three "higher moons" the oother two being Circe and Chiron. Sigma is a small planetoid with a period of 13.93 years and has an inclination of 5 degrees. It has to do with karma and endings, especially where relationships are concerned. Click here for a sign ephemeris of Sigma for the years 1906-1995 AD at 10-day intervals.

Jupiter-Saturn Conjunctions

Jupiter and Saturn come together in the sky roughly every 20 years, marking a new and significant socio-political 20-year period, based on the sign they are in. The conjunctions are usually in the same element for a period of 200 years at a time and mark a greater period or epoch based on that element. We are currently transiting from the earth to air epoch. For the specific periods of each Jupiter-Saturn conjunction between 1600 and 2200 AD click here.


Saturn is the beautiful but distant ringed planet, taking an average of two and one-half years to traverse each zodiac sign, and almost 30 years to make one complete cycle through the zodiac. Saturn rules Capricorn(and Aquarius) and is your responsibilty and goal planet. For tables of Saturn's position in the zodiac for the years 1800 to 2155 AD click here. For a daily ephemeris of Saturn's position for the years 1900 to 2035 AD click here.


Uranus is the first planet discovered with a telescope in the year 1781. It takes seven years to traverse each sign and 84 years to make a complete orbit. Uranus rules Aquarius and is the planet of freedom, friendship, and independence. For tables of Uranus for the years 1800 to 2155 AD click here. For a daily ephemeris of Uranus' position for the years 1900 to 2035 AD click here.


Neptune is the second planet discovered with a telescope in 1846. Neptune is twice as far out as Uranus taking 14 years to traverse each zodiac sign and 165 years to make a complete orbit. Neptune rules Pisces and is the planet of secrets, dreams, and illusions. For tables of Neptune for the years 1800 to 2155 AD click here. For a daily ephemeris of Neptune's position for the years 1900 to 2035 AD click here.


Tiny and very distant but powerful Pluto was discovered by Clyde Tombaugh in 1930. It has a highly irregular orbit taking between 12 and 32 years to traverse each sign. It completes its dark and lonely journey through the zodiac in 247 years. It's large moon Charon was discovered by Charles Kowell in 1978. In 2005, astronomers re-classified Pluto as a dwarf planet but it is still considered a major planet by all astrologers. Pluto-Charon rules Scorpio and the power of death and regeneration. For tables of Pluto's sign positions for the years 1800 to 2129 AD click here. For a daily ephemeris of Pluto's position for the years 1900 to 2035 AD click here.

Fourteen Planet Daily Ephemeris

Here is a more detailed fourteen-planet ephemeris created for astrological purposes, incorporating the main ten planets from Sun to Pluto plus four others which many astrologers have come to accept or are seriously considering. Ceres was once accepted as a planet in the early 1800's before being demoted, but has recently made a comeback as the only inner-asteroid dwarf planet. Chiron was discovered in 1977, and although quite small, leads the centaurs and packs quite a wallop according to many astrologers. Eris, discovered in 2005, rivals Pluto in both size and possibly influence, and outermost Sedna may be part of a very remote group bodies at the edge of the system. Click here for the ephemeris.

Sixteen Outer Planet Daily Ephemeris

Here is a sixteen outer planet daily ephemeris ideal for studying the major transits. It includes all of the major planets from Mars to Pluto plus the first three discovered centaurs and some of the largest dwarf planets. These centaurs and dwarf planets are becoming increasingly important this 21st century. Click here for the ephemeris.

Ten Planet Dwarf Ephemeris

Here is a ten dwarf planet daily ephemeris for astrological purposes. It includes the ten largest dwarf planets known(as of 2023), all over 500 miles or 800 kilometers diameter, from Ceres to Sedna, for the years 1900 to 2035 AD. These dwarf planets are becoming increasingly important this 21st century because of the larger population and more complex society that exists. Click here for the ephemeris.

Planet Nodes

Every planet has nodes or ecliptic crossing points where its particular zodiac is established. A planet's North Node is always the 0 Aries point and its south node usually 0 Libra. Nodal astrology is a relatively new and fascinating subject in astrology unlocking our multidimensional soul and past. For tables of the North and South Nodes of the ten major planets plus Chiron and Eris for the years 1900 to 2049 AD click here.

Other Notable Objects

There are other notable objects besides the main planets and angles which astrologers often incorporate into their interpretations of people and events, notably such asteroids as Ceres, Pallas, Juno, and Vesta, the centaur Chiron, and dwarf planets like Eris, Haumea, Makemake and others. There are also the brightest stars, such as Sirius and Canopus as well as famous comets such as Halley and Hale-Bopp. Finally, there is the Galactic center. It's fun to study these extra bodies in the chart as they may add refinement to the understanding of charts and events. Below are some of the most popular bodies and their tables or ephemeris positions.


Ceres, discovered in 1801, is the largest and most visible member of the asteroids located between Mars and Jupiter. Through a telescope it appears round or planet-like in appearance. In astrology, Ceres is the grain godess and the nurturing or mother aspect in all of us. For tables of Ceres' sign positions for the years 1900 to 2025 AD click here. For a daily ephemeris of Ceres' position for the years 1900 to 2035 AD click here.


Hygiea, discovered in 1849, is the fourth largest member of the asteroids located between Mars and Jupiter. recent observations(2019) show it to be roundish or moon-like in appearance. In mythology, Hygiea is the godess of health and hygiene and has the same significance in astrology. For tables of Hygiea's daily positions for the years 1850 to 2050 AD click here.

The Asteroids

Riding along with Ceres between Mars and Jupiter are billions if not trillions of objects which astronomers believe may have once been a planet which exploded or was shattered into bits by some other object. Others believe the asteroids are actual entities or beings(fallen angels or demons) or their abodes. Three of the largest discovered soon after Ceres are Pallas Juno and Vesta. For tables of the twelve largest asteroids for the years 1900 to 2030 AD click here . For other popular or special asteroids(1930-2030 AD) click here. For an alphabetical list of individual asteroids click here.

Eros and Psyche

433 Eros is a small near-Earth object orbiting between Earth and Mars while Psyche is a large main belt asteroid orbiting between Mars and Jupiter. Eros and Psyche have a special relationship in myth and astrology. Eros fell in love with the very beautiful Psyche and both had a passionate affair with one another before getting married. They had a deep soul connection and you will too if your psyche or eros matches up with someone else's eros or psyche. For side by side tables of these two asteroids click here.


Chiron, discovered in 1977, is the first and most notable member of the centaurs located roughly between Saturn and Uranus with an orbital period of 51 years. In astrology, Chiron was the great teacher and healer who could not heal himself. He represents gifts or talents we have to benefit others and the world despite having to deal with some serious deformity or disability in our life. For tables of Chiron's sign positions for the years 1900 to 2033 AD click here . For a daily ephemeris of Ceres' position for the years 1900 to 2035 AD click here.

The Centaurs

A new class of solar system objects were discovered beginning in 1977 called the centaurs which hug the orbits of two or more planets(usually the outer ones) at a time. Although Hidalgo was the first real centaur discovered in 1920, it wasn't until 1977 and later when Chiron and others were discovered that the term centaur came to be. Centaurs are the extreme, animalistic, or unruly parts of us but also give us great clarity, strength, skill, and wisdom. For tables of the centaurs for the years 1900 to 2030 AD click here and here and here


Eris, discovered in 2005 and originally named Xena, is the first sizable planet after Pluto(similar in size) but twice as far out with an orbital period of 557 years. Eris is the discordant troublemaker who was not invited to the party of the gods. In the chart it describes where we make ourselves seen and heard despite attempts to ignore us. Eris demands justice, equality, and recognition and may be associated with the sign Libra. For tables of Eris' sign positions for the years 1800 to 2155 AD click here. For a daily ephemeris of Eris' position for the years 1900 to 2035 AD click here.

The Transneptunians

Until better telescopes were developed, the faintest and most distant objects of our skies remained largely unknown. This changed in 1992 when 1992QB1 became the first known object to be discovered outside the orbit of Pluto. A bunch of other small objects affectionately called the "dwarfs" or "plutinos" and now generally known as the "transneptunians" have been discovered since then. These objects break the boundaries of our existence causing us to grow and expand ever outwards. Eris, similar in size to Pluto, was the first major dwarf planet announced in 2005. Since then, Pluto has also been classified as a dwarf, or more precisely -as the king of the dwarfs.

For tables of the notable dwarfs and their sign positions for the years 1870 to 2030 AD click here, here and here. For a daily ephemeris of dwarfs such as Ceres, Eris and sedna click here. For the hypothetical Uranians click here. For the hypothetical Transpluto click here and here.

2002 MS4

2002 MS4 was discovered on Jun.18 2002 by the Chad, Trujillo, and Brown team at Polamar observatory, California. It has an orbital peiod of 269.48 years and is roughly 800 km (500 miles) in diameter. It has has an inclination of 17.6 degrees to the ecliptic. It is the only dwarf planet currently without a name. For tables of 2002 MS4 for the years 1870 to 2065 AD click here .

Comet Nishimura

Comet Nishimura (C/2023 P1) was discovered on Aug.12 2023 by Hideo Nishimura. It has an orbital peiod of 432 years and an inclination of 132 degrees to the ecliptic. It varies in distance from 0.225 to 57 AU and has has an inclination of 132 degrees to the ecliptic. It spends most of its time in tropical Leo and Cancer except on its closest approaches. For tables of Comet Nishimura for the years 1600 to 2500 AD click here .

2018 AG37

2018 AG37 was discovered on Jan.15 2018 by the Sheppard, Tholen, and Trujillo team. It has an orbital peiod of 718.8 years and is roughly 500 km in diameter. It varies in distance from 27.6 to 132.7 AU and has has an inclination of 18.68 degrees to the ecliptic. It is currently in the sign of tropical Leo. For tables of 2018 AG37 for the years 1900 to 2035 AD click here .

2018 VG18

2018 VG18 was discovered in late 2018 by the Sheppard, Tholen, and Trujillo team. It has an orbital peiod of 738.39 years and is roughly 650+ km in diameter. It varies in distance from 38.3 to 81.69 AU and has has an inclination of 24.28 degrees to the ecliptic. It is currently in the sign of tropical Gemini. For tables of 2018 AG37 for the years 1900 to 2030 AD click here .

2015 RR245

2015 RR245 was discovered on Sep.14 2010 by the Pan-Starrs group in Hawaii. It has an orbital peiod of 734.05 years and is roughly 700 km in diameter. It varies in distance from 34 to 129 AU and has has an inclination of 7.57 degrees to the ecliptic. It is currently in the sign of tropical Aries. For tables of 2015 RR245 for the years 1900 to 2030 AD click here .

The Great Reset Comet of 1811

The Great Comet of 1811(C/1811 F1) changed our world forever. It appeared from September of 1811 to much of 1812 as a bright and fearful comet coinciding with all manner of global catastrophes. It has an estimated period of 3096 years and is highly inclined to the ecliptic spending most of its time in tropical Capricorn and Aquarius. For tables of the Great Comet for the years 1600 to 2500 AD click here .

2012 VP113

2012 VP113 or "Biden"(named after US Vice President Joe Biden) was discovered on Nov.5th 2012 by the Sheppard and Trujillo team in Chile. It is thought to be a dwarf planet some 600 km in diameter(370 miles) with a very long orbit of 4300 years, and an inclination to the ecliptic of 24.1 degrees. For tables of 2012 VP113 for the years 1800 to 2150 AD click here .

Green Comet C/2022 E3

Green Comet C/2022 E3 was discovered on March 2nd, 2022 by Bryce Bolin and Frank Masci at the Polamar observatory in California. It has an orbit of at least 50,000 years and an inclination of 109 degrees to the ecliptic. It reached its closest approach to Earth on Feb.1st, 2023, in early tropical Cancer. For tables of Green Comet C/2022 E3 for the years 1600 to 2500 AD click here .


Sedna, also discovered in 2005, is an extremely distant small body with an amazing eccentric orbit of some 11,400 years. It is the the planet of abandonment and victimhood and describes negative family issues to be dealt with. For tables of Sedna's sign positions for the years 1800 to 2155 AD click here . For a daily ephemeris of Sedna's position for the years 1900 to 2035 AD click here.

2015 TG387

2015 TG387 or "The Goblin"(named so because it was discovered near Halloween) was discovered on Oct.13, 2015(announced Oct.1st 2018) by the Sheppard, Trujillo, and Tholen team in Hawaii. It is thought to be a dwarf planet some 350 km in diameter(220 miles) with an extremely long orbit of 32,000 years, and an inclination to the ecliptic of 12 degrees. It is currently at 78 AU. For tables of 2015 TG387 for the years 1650 to 2050 AD click here .

Oumuamua or A/2017/U1

Oumuamua was discovered on Oct.19, 2017 by Robert Weryk in Hawaii. It has an orbit in the hundreds of thousands of years and an inclination of 122.74 degrees to the ecliptic. It travels very fast at 196,000 miles per hour. It reached perihelion on Sep.9th, 2017, in mid tropical Virgo. For tables of Oumuamua for the years 1600 to 2200 AD click here .

Bernardinelli-Bernstein Comet or C/2014 UN271

C/2014 UN271 was discovered on Oct.20, 2014 by Pedro Bernardinelli and Gary Bernstein from the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory in Chile, but was announced by the Minor Planet Center on June 19 2021. It is an Oort Cloud object with an orbit of some 3.67 million years (average) and an inclination of 95.46 degrees to the ecliptic. It is coming from the south at -47 declinatio(2023). For tables of C/2014 UN271 for the years 1600 to 2500 AD click here .


24 Star Ephemeris for 0 AD to 2397 AD
Stars have been almost forgotten in modern astrology but can have important modifying or enhancing influences on the rest of the chart. When conjuncting personal planets or points they can produce great kings or leaders and amazing accomplishments as well as great tradegy, sorrow, or disrepute.

Here is an ephemeris(in two parts) for the 24 brightest stars in the heavens and their yearly tropical longitudes. For part 1 click here and for part 2 click here.

Star Ephemeris Table
The tropical longitudes and declinations of over 150 visible stars. For the years 0 AD to 2200 AD. Click here for the tables.

Star Positions for July 1st 2025
The tropical longitudes and declinations of the 93 brightest stars for July 1st 2025 Noon GMT. Click here for the tables.

Brown Dwarf VHS 1256-1257
Brown Dwarf VHS 1256-1257 ephemeris for the years 1900 AD to 2030 AD. Click here for the tables.

Magnetic North and South Tables 1590-2025 AD
The Magnetic North and South Paths are extensions of the Black Sun's axial tilt. They move retrograde in the zodiac and vary considerably in the signs. Click here for the tables.


The Galactic Center
The Galactic Center or rift may have a huge long-term collective influence over peoples and societies. When linked to a personal planet in the chart it can open up amazing new ideas, inspirations, or vistas. For a graphic summary of this Center for the last 2157 years click here. For a more detailed ephemeris of the galactic center for the years 1900-2050AD click here.

The Great Attractor
The Great Attractor or Sagittarius A(Sgr A) is supposedly a supercluster of galaxies around which our own Local Group and Milky Way revolves. It is the ultimate Source or God point and our ultimate origin and longing. For a yearly ephemeris of the great attractor for the years 0000-2999 AD click here.

M87/Virgo Supercluster
The M/87 Virgo Supercluster is a group of approximately 2000 galaxies one of which is our own Milky Way Galaxy. It is located at 2 tropical Libra and may be described as the Great Unifier in our cosmos. For an ephemeris of M87/Virgo Supercluster for the years 1800-2200 AD click here.

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