Also nicknamed The Goblin, and more recently 541132 Leleakuhonua, distant dwarf planet (2015 TG387), is the 3nd sednoid after Sedna and 2012 VP113,
discovered on Oct.13, 2015 by the Sheppard, Trujillo, and Tholen team at Mount Kea Hawaii, but announced on 1st Oct. 2018. It has an orbital period of some
32,000 years. It is estimated to be 350 km(220 miles) in diameter, and has an inclination of 12 degrees to the ecliptic. At its closest it is at 65 AU (currently at 78),
and at its farthest it is at around 2000 AU
![]() Here is a rough ephemeris of 2015 TG387 for every 25 to 50 years from 1650 to about 2050 AD. Sign entry/exit dates are included.
Aquarius(179 yrs)
Pisces(73 years)
Aries(41 yrs)
Taurus(32 yrs)
Gemini(32 yrs)
Cancer(43 yrs)
Leo(73 yrs) |