There is presently a tendency in astrology to pick everthing apart and
analyze things from there when a more united or integrated view would yield a better understanding.
The four basic categorizations in astrology -planets, signs, aspects, and houses all basically mean one
thing -twelve planetary positions. These twelve positions, in turn, also mean only one thing -the individual
as a twelvefold or twelve-bodied being.
When we understand that the Ascendant is the Earth plane or planet and that the Houses are nothing more than the Earth's
relationship to the other planets, and that these relationships are based on gender, mode, element, or sign
more than by degree, and that a planet's integral nature is based primarily on its sign placement, what we have left are
the twelve planetary positions.
When we also understand that each of these twelve planetary positions or layers of the self can interact individually amongst
themselves or with someone else's planetary positions, either through default or free will, and that they are tempered or modified
by sex, creed, and culture, then we have a solid understanding of the basic priciples involved in synastry(the astrology of relationships).
In this work we shall deal with eleven bodies or planets, the twelfth of which is still unconfirmed or undetermined. These
eleven bodies or planets are:
Thanks to Linda Goodman and others, we all know how Sun signs(egos) relate to one another, but we are not just our Sun signs. We are also our
Moon, Ascendant(Earth), Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and X signs. We are twelve-fold beings, capable of
interacting in twelve different ways. How each of our twelve parts interact with someone(or something) else's twelve parts is what astrology
is all about. Even Paul, in the New Testament declares that "we are all parts of one another".
With twelve planets capable of expressing through twelve signs, there are a total of 144 astrological "parts" or planetary positions in astrology,
all of which encompass the totality of organic and inorganic experience, good or bad, here on Earth and elsewhere. Each of us comes with twelve of these
parts at birth, depending on the time and place.
To describe how all 144 planetary positions interact with one another would be too much to list here, but some rules and examples
will suffice.
Rule 1: Mutual comparisons(Sun-Sun, Moon-Moon, Mercury-Mercury, etc.) are the strongest.
Example 1: Jupiter in Leo versus Neptune in Scorpio:
Not only are both planets incompatible, but so are the signs involved. Jupiter(Sagittarius) represents the 10th house for Neptune(Pisces), While
Neptune represents the 4th house for Jupiter. Likewise, Leo is the 10th house for Scorpio, and Scorpio is the 4th for Leo. What this all means is that Jupiter in Leo is the
ultimate boss or dominating influence for Neptune in Scorpio. Neptune in Scorpio, on the other hand, is the ultimate mother figure or nurturer for Jupiter in Leo.
In turn, Neptune in Scorpio would completely dominate or control Mercury(Gemini) in Aquarius, which would in turn have a similar effect on Mercury(Virgo) in Taurus, and so on. It's
cyclical and requires a knowledge of rulerships and how the signs, elements and modes relate to one another.
The diagram below outlines the zodiacal relationships between planet-in-sign placements that are in their home signs. ![]() In general, the sign or element ahead always has power or dominance over the sign or element before. This means that earth dominates fire which dominates water which dominates air which dominates earth. The upper square or 10th house(cardinal/Capricorn) is the most dominating or controlling, followed by the 2nd and 6th. 12th, 8th, and 4th are submissive. This is on both a planetary and sign level. In the above diagram, Saturn in Capricorn is most dominant over Mars in Aries while Neptune in Pisces is most submissive. 1st, 5th, 9th and 3rd, 7th, 11tth are basically equal in power. Dominance/submission equates to the negative or discordant aspects while equality equates to the positive ones There is also what is known as mutual reception and dispositorship. Mutual reception is when one planet is in the sign the other rules. An example is Sun in Aries and Mars in Leo. If examined with the methods already outlined, both the planets and the signs will be found to be very compatible. Mutual reception strengthens this compatabilty even further, as each planet holds the key to the other. Mutual reception can work natally, by transit or progression, or between two or more persons. Dispositorship occurs when two or more planets are linked by rulership often forming a chain. An example is Sun in Aries/Mars in Gemini/Mercury in Pisces/Neptune in Sagittarius/Jupiter in Sagittarius. In this chain the Sun disposits Mars which disposits Mercury, which disposits, Neptune which disposits Jupiter. It cannot go further because Jupiter is in its own sign. All five of these planets work together and must be interpreted that way. Dispositorship can work natally or between two or more persons. The effect of any planetary placement on any other can be known using the above methods. These methods, however, will remain somewhat ambiguous untill every sign has its own definite or individual ruler. back to main |