What Does Trump's 2024 Victory Mean?

If his last Presidency (2017-2020) is any indication, Donald J. Trump's November 5th 2024 US election landslide victory ushers in a new era of progress for the nation and the world, especially on an economic level.

The last four years(2021-2024) under the Biden-Kamala regime have been a total disaster for the US on nearly every level -spiritual, social, political, and economic. The Democratic or "Blue States" suffered the most under despotic and incompetent leaders from the WEF(World Economic Forum), as well as from many of the other three letter agencies, and this on the heels of the fabricated covid pandemic , lockdowns, and the inoculations which killed or injured millions of people worldwide.

Humanity has been in the grip of a vile anti-human force for thousands of years and is only now in the process of liberating itself. This satanic force posing itself as our "gods" have slowly cut down humanity to its current pathetic level via their cunning and technology. The few humans that have escaped or overcome the snares of the evil ones have grown and gathered and are now in the process of overthrowing their dark overlords. We call these the White Hats, with Trump as their current representative.

The White Hats with the help of good ET's from this and other worlds have been secretly cleaning up our world big time since 2017 both above and below ground leaving only certain minions to continue the shit show that is now coming to an end. This show has produced many casualties, but much less so than if Hillary would have been allowed to become President. Some believe the Biden presidency was part of a sixteen-year plan by the White Hats to give us a taste of what could have occurred under a Clinton Presidency, had they not intervened.

Fortunately, they have intervened and America has been spared destruction -at least for the next four years. It is up to the people to maintain and prolong that momentum. Trump needs our help to build a brighter future both for America and the world. We cannot just sit on our asses and hope everything will be taken care of by the good guys. Each of us must do his or her part.

There are those who believe Trump is the AntiChrist and that he will sell us out in the end, and it is possible he may be unknowingly being used as such, but I do not personally sense this in his heart. Trump wants peace and prosperity for everyone and this is clearly indicated in his birth chart. Yes he has strong ties to the Jews and Israel whom many have accused to be responsible for most of the world's problems, but it is the Khazarians or "false Jews" who are the real problem and not the common Jews themselves. True. Israel (America and the West) has been hijacked and enslaved by the Khazarian mafia through their evil money system and unscrupulous practices. It is also true that Ukraine and the modern state of Israel have become Khazarian hubs or centers, and it is unfortunate that modern Christians have been deceived into supporting them. The wars in Ukraine and Gaza and anywhere alse in the world are EVIL and should NOT be supported by anyone. If the real Trump truly supports these wars, then he is on the wrong side of history and I will withdraw my support for him.

The period between November 5th 2024 and January 20th 2025, and beyond, will be fraught with many dangers for Trump, America, and the World in general. The Deep State will not go down completely without a fight. Yes they have been dealt a severe or even deadly blow, but they may still lash out in unpredictable ways. They will never give up and neither must we.

Pluto's last stay in Capricorn until the 19th of November 2024 spells the last gasp of power this world's governments have over us. On November 20th 2024 Pluto moves permanently into Aquarius the sign of truth and freedom and brotherhood, and on January 20th 2025(Inauguration Day) the Sun enters Aquarius with Pluto marking the true beginning of a new twenty-year era of progress for us all.

Trump the Peacemaker (Jupiter in Libra)

Trump = Triumphant

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