The ET War For Humanity

Aside from Trump's reelection, one of the biggest stories of 2024 is the emergence of the UAP's (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) towards the end of the year, launching us into a new era of disclosure. Their presence is to awaken humanity to the true level of technology possessed by both our secret governments and off-worlders. Both have always been around, but are now choosing to make themselves known.

Obviously, there's a lot more going on in our skies, underground, and off-world than we are told. While the drones are probably our own secret military craft, some of the other objects such as the orbs and rotating wheels are not. The real ET's are obviously fed up of waiting for the governments to announce them so they're taking the initiative. This has promptet the secret military to come out and suppress them or even shoot them down. The Deep State or NWO is not about to let the good guys take over and this has been the case since the start of the Kali Yuga about 6000 years ago.

The last time the good ET's(Lyrans, Arcturians, Pleiadians, etc) attempted to help us was back in 1954 during the Eisenhower Presidency, but they were refused, and instead, we made an accord with the bad ET's(Greys, Reptilians, Insectoids, etc.). The Western Powers under the Cabal sold us out to these f**kers in exchange for technology which insured our military and economic supremacy in the world. The price was the abduction and experimentation of millions of humans.

Human trafficking and adrenochrome harvest continues to this day by the elite in league with the bad ET's, and so is the suffering of humanity. The covid scheme was their last major attempt to cull humanity but it was foiled somewhat, and their next attempt is the fake alien invasion, but it will be foiled by our good leaders in league with the good ET's.

The good ET's which come from inner Earth , the cloaked skies, and the lands beyond our ice wall, are bypassing the governments this time, which they do not trust, and are instead directly reaching the masses. It is up to us to work with these good ET's by communicating and engage their message. The bad ET's will of course try to pass themselves off as the good ET's but it will not work and eventually they will be found out and taken down.

When will all of this take place? It's already taking place and will become much more obvious in the 2025-2026 period. A great war is now taking place with the good and bad ET's which cannot be hidden anymore, and which will override all of the plans of the Deep State or New World Order. More and more governments will continue to crumble as the masses lose faith in them and take matters into their own hands. It will be rough for awhile, but in the end we will be all the better for it.

The bad ET's created the governments and the money system to repress and control humanity. They also created the many religions, sciences, and and other institutions to keep us ignorant and divided. They're also behind the bad weather and climate and spraying and poisons in our food, water, and air. With every reset they make us smaller and weaker and dumber. All they're really interested in is harvesting us for our adrenochrome and slave services. The good ET's on the other hand, want to liberate us and rid us of all of these problems, but we must want them to do so. Most of humanity is now sufficiently awake and calling out to the good ET's, and they are responding. They are actually in battle with them and helping us to expose them through the alternative media. Trump is a major player in this.

When the restrictive dome above us is taken down and the limiting Antarctic ice and snow melt away(all controlled by bad ET technology) the climate will stabilize, and we will become healthy and long-lived again. More continents will become available to us as we adjust to the new and invigorating air of the second dome. The sky and astrology will be different with two suns and possibly additional planets. We will no longer be forced to reincarnate for the loosh and interests of the bad ET's and living up to a thousand years will become common. One of the reasons we never amount to much is because of our very short lives.

More continents will be accessible to us when our 3rd dome and ice ring disappear...(Nos Confunden map) well as a second sun. In the Vibes of Cosmos map, this 2nd sun would de-ice the Terra Vista lands.

When these environmental changes occur we will also become taller and stronger as will all the trees, animals, and vegetation. All of our current institutions (politics, science, religion, medicine, money, military, etc.) will largely dissapear as everything will be free and plenty. Our main purpose or goal then will be positive self-exploration and development as well as the betterment of everything and everyone around us. It will be as it was before the Great Floods and the invasions of the parasitic Evil ones thousands of years ago.

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