What Are The LA Fires All About?
There are several theories concerning as to why the horrific LA(Los Angeles) fires of January 2025 took place. The official explanation is government mismanagement (diverting much needed water to the ocean, not clearing the dead leaves and branches, leaving the reservoirs empty, strong winds, broken cables, not shutting down the power, etc). These are all all good reasons, but why was it all allowed?

When the fires did happen, the responses by Newsom and Bass were lame and suspect, as though they WANTED the fires to happen! No one was even allowed to combat the fires until late in the game. Obviously, they were in on it for whatever reasons and were told to stand down. But why?

One theory is that the corporatists want the area cleared so they can build their 15 minute cities there. The insurance companies knew or suspected it in advance cancelling most of the owners' insurance policies. Thankfully, most of the owners were evacuated on time, but a small number didn't make it or refused to go. The whole thing was much like what happened in Lahaina, Hawaii, in August of 2023.

A more intriguing and likely explanation for the fires in the Palisade and Eaton areas was that it was where many of the elites and celebs hung out and practiced nefarious activities that needed to be hidden or covered up before Trump got in, so they set any evidence ablaze, much like with the Twin Towers or Lahaina.

The really interesting thing is that the mostly wooden and vulnerable houses and mansions may have just been a cover for what was really happening underground. Many of the houses are suspected to lead to secret underground tunnels, caverns, and perhaps even complexes or cities where the real action (pedophilia, blood rituals, trafficking, sex and drug parties, etc.) occurred. Either they(elites/celebs) set the fires themselves to cover their tracks OR they have been found out by the White Hats and are being cleaned up.

The way the houses and cars were burned (leaving most trees or shrubbery intact) suggests that DEWs (Directed Energy Weapons) were used, as in Lahaina. Arson was also involved but this was minimal or used for cover. Many of the fires started from inside the houses suggesting the setting off or sparking of smart meters. Broken power lines due to high winds were also a factor. Whether it was the Deep State or the White Hats or both who are behind these fires is unclear to me.

Were ships with DEWs (directed energy weapons) used to start the Los Angeles and Lahaina fires?
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