2025 The Great Revolution Begins

Donald Trump and company are cleaning up and transforming America at breakneck speed, and the ripple effect is reverberating across the world. If this continues, America and the world will be a very different place very soon.

Pluto's entry into Aquarius(2024/25) is certainly behind this transformation with its need to effect intense change and liberation. The world's governments and institutions have basically already changed during the final phases of Pluto in Capricorn(2017-24) but we are only now really seeing the results.

Uranus is still in Taurus in the first half of 2025 so things can still go haywire financially, and Neptune is still lingering in Pisces until April 2025, so that everyone is still in a fog or delusion as to what's really going on. By mid 2025, however, the true awakening will be well underway with Neptune in Aries and Uranus in Gemini. There is some retrograding to contend with, but the fires will have been lit.

Trump and Elon are cleaning up all of the incredible waste and corruption in the US corporation left over by the previous administrations and leaving only a fraction of what's necessary to run the new republic. In this way, all of the freed up funds and greater freedoms will benefit the people tremendously. One such waste is USAIDS which is behind so many nefarious activities it boggles the mind. Most of the three-letter agencies such as WHO, FBI, CIA, etc. are also being purged. In the end we will have trillions of more dollars and much less red tape.

The enormous positive changes now occuring in the US will inspire other nations and organizations to do do the same, especially in the Western world. US tarrifs on Canada and Mexico are waking up these US neighbours to clean up their own acts whether they become part of a North American confederacy or not. The UN(United Nations) is also likely to be exposed and fall restoring greater nationhood throughout Europe. Latin America, Africa, The Middle East, India, Southeast Asia, Indonesia, Japan, and Australasia will also benefit and flourish as never before. Russia has been and will always be America's friend and will help to root out the Deep State. China, a world within our world, is the most difficult part of the transformation, but it too will eventually become integrated.

Our ET friends in the skies and elsewhere are helping to make all of these positive world changes become a reality. They are guiding the major powers to bring unity and peace to the world. It would not have been possible without them. Once worldwide unity and peace are established, the dome will come down and the ice and snow will dissapear, introducing a healthier atmosphere, freeing up land and resources, equalizing the climate, improving our health and longetivity, and reconnecting us to our brothers sisters beyond the ice walls. We will also be reconnected to the inner Earth world and all of the subtler planes around us.

The coming changes are mind-boggling, so stay aware and informed and be ready to relinquish many of your old beliefs or ideas and to accept new ones.

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