The Israel Problem

Due to their disobedience, God(Yahweh) led the ancient Assyrians and Babylonians to permanently drive out the ancient tribes of Israel from Palestine. This was several centuries before the Christian Era. The House of Israel or ten trbes were were carried off as slaves by Assyria(now Germany) in 721-718 BC, where they assimilated and then spread to other northwestern European nations such as northern France, Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. The double tribe of Joseph(Ephraim/Mannaseh) migrated to become the UK, and Mannaseh later split off and migrated to become the United States.

The house of Judah which included the two tribes of Levi and Benjamin were driven out of Palestine by the Babylonians some 130 years after the House of Israel was driven out. They too abandoned the Sabbath and other laws which displeased their God and so were invaded and carried off as slaves between 604 and 585 BC. While some of the Judeans returned to Palestine some 70 years later, most were scattered across all nations. Since then to this day, Judah was never promised and never had a homeland!

The Judeans or "Jews" were forcefully given a homeland, the modern state of Israel, in Palestine on May 14, 1948 by the UK Rothschilds. This illegal occupation immediately caused strife in the region which is ongoing today. Prophecy students see this as the lighting of the biblical Armageddon fuse which is to lead to World War III. Modern Israel has grown in size over the years through a number of wars but the ultimate plan of its Zionist leaders is "The Greater Israel" which covers large areas of Syria, Iraq, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia. Israel's unfortunate creation and expansion will only worsen the conflict in the Middle East which is predominantly Arab and Muslim.

Why is the US so supportive of Israel? Yes they do share a biblical history and location, but the the House of Israel which includes USA, Britain, and the northwestern European nations of Scandinavia are entirely different from the House of Judah which are the modern Jews. They have always been two separate natons in the past and always will be. Yet, together, they comprise the twelve tribes of ancient Israel under Yahweh. The modern state of Israel should be called Judah or Judea rather than Israel which is a misnomer. True Israel is the USA, Britain, parts of northern France and Germany, Scandinavia, and the Commonwealth.

About half of the world's 15.6 million Jews live in the United States and half in the state of Israel and the rest in other western nations such as Canada and France. Despite their small size Jews or Judeans have enormous influence and control, especially financial. They have been kicked out of many countries throughout history because of this disproportionate control. The problem however is not the Jews themselves but the Ashkenazi, Zionist, or Talmudic sects masquerading as Jews. They are also known as the Khazarians This group of peoples are from the lineage of Cain and were originally located between the Black and Caspian seas, and had their own empire from about the late 6th to the late 10th century AD.. They were always troublemakers but were forced by the Russians around the 10th century AD to stop their evil and conform to another belief system. They chose Judaism and hid behind it, never really changing however, and so they remain a problem.

Netanyahu is an Ashkenazi or Zionist Khazarian Jew who does not represent the true beliefs or views of the Palestinian Jews. His genocidal actions should be condemmed and not supported by the US. The only real solution to this Israeli problem is to remove the Khazarian influence there and dismantle the fake state of Israel. Trump's takeover of Gaza is only a temporay solution to try and stop the killing, but it will go on if the current leadership remains. The modern state of Israel should NEVER have been created in the first place. It is a forced occupation by the Western powers to gain a foothold there. It is a thorn in the region and will always remain so. After being expelled from Palestine by God(Yahweh) himself, over two millennia ago, the Jews have no further claim to the area, unless God reestablishes that claim.

True Israel is the US, Great Britain, northwestern Europe, and the Scandinavian nations(ancient ten tribes). The Jews Judah, or Judeans are a separate and homeless nation comprising the descendants of the two ancient tribes Benjamin and Levi. Together, however, the twelve tribes are one big family under Yahweh. The New JerUSAlem is the United States and not Palestine. The USA, UK, and northwestern Europe is where most Jews should reside rather than Palestine, and until this is so, there will be no peace in the Middle East.

Main source: The Worldwide Church of God teachings(1933-1995) under Herbert W. Armstrong's "The United States and Britain in Prophecy" booklet, mixed in with my own perspectives.

Astrological Note: Each of the twelve ancient tribes of Israel was patterned after the twelve zodiac signs and their rulers. Dan, Danish, or Denmark, for example, is thought to be associated with the sign of Scorpio and its ruler Pluto. Judah is Leo or the Sun, Ephraim-UK is Capricorn or Saturn, Mannaseh-US is Aquarius, etc.(associations can vary depending on the source).

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