God is a beautiful woman, literally.
Actually, God is a beautiful man and a beautiful Creation as well, but woman is Creation's crowning glory.
This Satanic patriarchal world has it all backwards putting man at the helm when it should be woman. It
is only in last 6000 years that the warring and generally destructive male of the species has come into
dominance, made possible by the warring Yahweh who is male himself.
Before that, woman or matriatchy dominated. Woman is the lifegiver and nurturer with the male playing a
subservient and protective role. Yes, the male is needed for childbirth, but it wasn't always so. If you go back
far enough, there was a time when there were no males, and there is a time coming when where there once
again wll be no males.
The Titans of old were once parthenogenic or self-reproducing. They would simply will a child into being through
a loving non-coital relationship, and they had "tits" or paps (hence their name) to suckle their young. Then the Invaders
came, introduced the titans to their degenerative habits, and they've never been the same since.
The Titans were huge with amazing powers and could easily defeat their Invaders(Reptilians?) but they were cunningly
defeated over time through tempting foods and practices which weakened and finally enslaved them. Cooking and drinking
and hunting and meat-eating reduced the Titans to a fraction of their original selves. In their weak state they were reduced
even further through genetic tampering permanently changing them from bisexual to male and female. They could no longer
self-reproduce requiring coitus to do so. The sexual act and desire is the yearning to heal this divided state. The first male,
Lucifer, was given charge over that humanity, and the rest of our sordid patriarchal history followed.
The male, a reptilan creation, is basically a degenerated female. He is(was) smaller, uglier, hairier, and more aggressive or war-like.
His genitals hang out in the cold making him sterile, the voice is lower indicating a lower vibratory state, and hair grows in all the wrong
places. The woman on the other hand is far more sensitive and intuitive(higher tone of voice) and generally more curvacious and attractive.
She is the birth giver and wears most of her hair atop her head as a crown of beauty and glory.
In nature, the female is usually larger and more dominant, but genetic engineering has reversed this, especially with humans.
The female spider for example is larger than the male, and after mating usually makes a meal out of him and this is so even within the reptilian
hierarchy. Male bees live and work for the queen bee, and so on. The human female was made smaller and physically weaker as part of the
reptilian agenda of annhilating humanity. Coital sex is pleasurable, but crude and aggressive, especialy for the female. The birth act itself is
generally vulgar and painful. The Titans would birth painlessly half-submerged in water, and this can be done today as well.
The Titans, who became the Giants, and later humanity are said to have lived on Uranus some 50,000 years ago. Uranus is not a planet, but
a realm far beyond our ice walls where some Titans still live. Uranus contains within it the realms of Saturn(Satan), Jupiter(Jehovah or Yahweh),
and Mars(Marduk), all of which are inhabited by progressively smaller and less advanced people, fauna, and animals. Within the realm of Mars
which spans some 250 million kilometers are the other smaller planetary realms of Earth, Venus, Mercury, Sun and Moon. These realms are
projected onto the dome above us as lights or stars via the black sun beneath us. Our oun Earth realm, as reflected by the Moon, is some 50,000
kilometers in diameter(see Vibes of Cosmos for further clarification).
Despite all of the degeneration of the human race throughout the ages, the divine beauty and grace of woman still shines through, even
though it is a fraction of what once was. When the dome and ice walls come down, and travel to the other realms is possible, we will revisit our
glorious origins and become them once again.
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