Kristian(Christian)21, also known as Sibley22, completes his explanation of the last days of this system by the good ET's outside our dome.
To summarize quickly, giant crystals come out of the earth in synchronous pattern creating a porthole through which a minority of humans
are lifted into and transfigured (rapured/ascended) . These ascended individuals end up on ships located on the other side of the porthole.
The dome and the heavens dissapear as a scroll, leaving the rest of humanity in the vacuum to fend for themselves. Many lose their minds
in the new rarified ether of the Great Dome and those who survive are used by the ascended and their caretakers to restart a new and better
2.Mini portal forms around pixelating ascending individual
3.Our dome dissapears merging our ether with that of the Greater Dome... After the dust settles, a reparation and regeneration period follows to rebuild the New Heaven and New Earth. Kristian 21 then goes on to talk about his journey here from beyond the Great Dome to the Pleiades to Earth.
The full video can be seen at Note : As with all self-proclaimed prophets, please exercise caution and judgement. While most of what Kristian21 says sounds very convincing, there is always the possibility that he may be misleading us. For example, he now places the ascension event in mid January instead of just before Christmas. Also, I do not like his bashing of psychics and astrologers. They too have their place in society despite their flaws. He also seems to think his is the only true message or that he is the only true messenger which is a red flag in my book. If what he says comes true, fine, if not, life goes on. Personally, I do not want to be whisked away on a space ship to some uncertain destination. I would rather take my chances here on Earth, and try to establish my own utopia. It is true however, that the northern hemisphere in general which is where most of industrial society is located is doomed to extinction. Cities and cold zones are traps in the long run. Our digitized way of life is unnatural and will only lead to opression and disaster. If you want to thrive and survive you need to live in nature in the sun belt region where you can grow your own food, be self- sufficient, and not freeze to death. Establish your own communities and laws and respect all life. Minimize technology and re-establish true personal contact. Honor family and live morally. That is the only way out. Addendum: The Ascension/scare event date has been moved up to a few days after Trump's Inauguration. THE 'event' has noe been moved up February 2025. It is becoming increasingly clear to me that Christian21/Sibley22 and partner are taking us for a ride, and that while some of his info may be correct, much of it is false and deceptive, so beware. back to home |