Kristian21/Sibley22 laid out a far out ascension scenario for humanity to take place in the late 2024/early 2025 time period.
With paper and marker, he and partner Leon explain the fantastic plasmic world event that will transform humanity and this realm into
the next level within the coming weeks and months, and it will override all of the planning and expectations of the current political and
Deep State agendas.
Forget about gold and silver and quantum and AI; what's about to happen will completely negate everything you've been conditioned into
for the past six to eight thousand years. Once the EVENT transpires, there will be no more politics or money or religion or business as usual
-these are all 3D Reptilian and Grey constructs designed to entrap humans and make their lives miserable. The whole 3D set up in this realm will
move up to 4D, 5D, and higher, leaving all those incapable of adapting in the dust.
Kristian calls it the Flash event but it's much more complex and sophisticated than it sounds. It all starts with a series of giant quartz crystal mountains rising
from the underground all over this known Earth realm under our third dome. This event alone will cause great panic and upheaval (earthquakes) worldwide.
The good ET's will then use our Sun to pulse electromagnetic waves or beams(plasma?) through the ethers heating up the atmosphere and activating the
giant crystals which hold the complete memories of every living being on this realm from day one. According to Kristian, the good guys used
time travel to implant the crystals in the future so as to throw off the bad guys
Top view of crystals under our third dome
The portal opens up
Third dome realm dissapears and we become part of the 2nd dome realm The pulses or beams reaching the crystals will form an emp grid which will set off the 1st flash which hits everyon's pineal and shocks them out of their bodies and restores their full memories and DNA. Some will go mad while those more spiritually prepared will find themselves in their original light bodies or vessels fully awakened. Shortly thereafter, the second flash occurs which will send the restored humans back to the Earth realm in their true 5th dimensional bodies. In the meantime a portal is opening up high above them and ships are seen in or all around it. The third flash sends the new humans through the porthole into the ships and this is where Kristian's video ends. JayDreamerZ explains this event as well. Part II is supposed to explain what comes next. If you wish to see the Part I video go to Stay tuned for the conclusion. back to home |