The United States has its roots in ancient Israel, as does Great Britain, modern Israel, and much of Europe. The modern state we call Israel today and the Jewish peoples in general are descendants of the ancient tribe of Judah alone -or one-twefth of the biblical and ancient Israel. The other eleven tribes were carried off by Assyria(now Germany) in a northwesterly direction and became the Scandinavian nations of northwestern Europe as well as Great Britain, and the United States.

The kingdom of Israel comprised twelve tribes under King David around 1000 BC and later under King Solomon in the late to mid 900's BC. In the early 900's BC, the kingdom split up with Rehoboam leading the southern kingdom of Judah and Jeroboam leading the northern ten tribes who stiill called themselves Israel. The succeeding kings and generations grew worse untill 721-718 BC when Yahweh decided to punish Israel by sending the Assyrians to invade and disperse them. Reuben, Simeon, Issachar, Zebulun, Gad, Dan, Asher, Naphtali, Benjamin, the double tribe of Joseph(Ephraim and Manasseh), were carried off into slavery slowly losing their identities in the process.

Judah's captivity followed in 604-585 BC after growing even more vile than the other tribes. They were carried off into Babylon by Nebuchadnezzar, but managed to retain their identity because of the laws and statutes they kept(in letter if not in spirit). The Sabbaths and commandments set them apart no matter where they went. This is why they were spared in the first invasion.

After 585 BC, under Jeremiah, remnanants of Judah were allowed to go back to Palestine so that the Messiah could be born there. The lost northern tribes continued to migrate in a northwesterly fashion mixing with the Assyrian(Germanic) culture and becoming the Scandinavian countries of Holland, Belgium , Denmark, Switzerland, northern France, Sweden, Norway, and Iceland. They completely lost their Hebrew language and culture and adopted variations of the Germanic tongue and pagan rituals and celebrations(like Christmas and Easter).

The double tribe of Joseph or the Anglosaxons("Saac's sons") developed an English(England/Ishmael) language and settled further up into the British Isles which is referred to in the bible as "O Isles". Joseph had two sons -Ephraim, which became Great Britain and its colonies, and Manasseh which later broke off from Britain and became the United States.

The Stone of Scone: also known as the Stone of Destiny, Jacob's Pillar Stone, and the Stone of Coronation is now situated in Scotland although it was first first in Ireland and also England. The Stone of Scone, made of sandstone, was brought to Ireland by Jeremiah around 569 BC so that the kingly line of David could continue. It was placed under the throne chair(see image) and many kings were crowned over it. So the Davidic line continued in Great Britain and the prophecy is that when King David is again resurrected at Christ's second coming, he will once again sit over this throne or stone.

the stone of scone

The identity of the twelve tribes is summarized or given here by Herbert W Armstrong of the Worldwide Church of God(now deceased)...
Reuben - France (dignified but troubled, Genesis 49:3-4)
Judah - The nation now called Israel as well as the Jews not in that land but who were from the area near Jerusalem (Ezra 4:12)
Simeon - Scattered throughout the tribes (Genesis 49:5)
Levi - Scattered throughout the tribes (Genesis 49:5)
Issachar - Finland (sits between Europe and Russia, Genesis 49:14)
Zebulun - Netherlands (haven by the sea, Genesis 49:13) and a few in South Africa
Gad - Switzerland (will apparently have to temporarily accept EU domination, Genesis 49:19)
Dan - Denmark, Ireland (on the outskirts--Genesis 49:17; the tribe that named places "Dan", Judges 18:12,29) (those in Northern Ireland mainly are descended from the Ephraim)
Asher - Belgium, Luxembourg (wealthy, Genesis 49:20)
Naphtali - Sweden (attractively described, Genesis 49:21)
Benjamin - Norway, Iceland (former vikings, cf. Genesis 49:27)
Ephraim - Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and probably some in South Africa and Zimbabwe (company of nations, Genesis 48:19)
Manasseh - United States of America (blessed nation, Genesis 48:19)

The twelve tribes of Israel are also identified with the twelve signs of the zodiac, although there is little consensus as to which tribe represents which sign. The only clear connections seem to be Dan represented by a snake(Scorpio) and Judah represented by a lion(Leo). The set up or arrangement of the tribes in relation to one another is best represented in the following diagram and looks similar to a square or rectangular horoscope...

The symbols or pictographs of the tribes are as follows...

The Sceptre(kingly line) promise stayed with Judah and the Jews, but the material promise(land and wealth) went to the other tribes, particularly Joseph(Ephraim and Manasseh).

This promise of great wealth was unconditional under Abraham and was fulfilled beginning around 1800 AD(2520 years after the initial captivity) when Britain (Ephraim) and America(Mannaseh) blossomed into greatness. In the 1800's Britain became an unmatched sea power and developed a worldwide empire from Canada to much of Africa to India to Australia and contolled key straits and ports. The United States began as 13 colonies in the east but it wasn't untill 1804 when it acquired the Louisiana Purchase that its greatness was sealed. It continued to expand westwards towards California and the became the greatest nation of the 1900's.

By 1950, the English anglosaxon tribes Great Britain and USA owned a quarter of the world's land and over half its wealth. World War II greatly weakened Great Britain and by the 1960's it had lost most of its colonies granting them independance. The USA took over the hegemony but its decline was already beginning with the Korean war and later Vietnam. In the 2000's both Great Britain and the USA have become so corrupted that they once again face invasion and enslavement by foreign powers. They have abandoned their God and His laws and will soon be punished.

Most Americans and Britons today fail to understand that they and many of their European brethen ARE Israel! When the scriptures speak prophetically of the blessings and calamities to befall Israel in the last days it is specifically referring to the English and European nations and not just the Jews or modern Israel! Israel is the Judeo-Christian family of nations! That is why the USA, Britain, and the modern state of Israel are such inseparable allies -they are the leading tribes of ancient Israel! Judah or the Jews represent the Old Testament and its laws whereas, Europe, and especially the English people represent the New Testament and its promises. Both need each other to become whole! The schism needs to be healed! America needs the Sabbath and Commandments and the Jews need Christ!

The modern state of Israel is an unfortunate creation that is leading the world to World War III! Ever since its beginning in 1948 it has sparked opposition and violence in the region, simply because it was not meant to be! The new JerUSAlem is America -not Palestine! There are more Jews in America than Palestine and that is the way it should be. God said he will bring ALL the tribes back together again under one land or nation and under a resurrected King David. That prophecy has yet to be fulfilled. In the meantime, the Jews are better off in America! They are wasting their time trying to revive the old glories of the past. Human efforts will only fail. Only a Messiah can resolve the Middle East situation.

Israel's expansionist dream

Abraham had two sons -Isaac and Ishmael. While Isaac's lineage produced the twelve tribes and Western nations in general, Ishmael produced the Arabs or Middle Eastern countries. Both cite Abraham as their father yet have very different cultures and philosophies and are basically at war with one another. President Barack Obama has Islamic roots and so represents a bridge between the two cultures, Will he be the one to try and bring them together?

As said earlier, all HUMAN attepts to bring peace to this world will fail. Even Lucifer/Satan cannot do this, although he will try deceptively and temporarily for his own ends. Only divine super-human intervention will succeed. Before this intervention, we will be in a time called "Jacob's(Israel's) trouble. God will use Islam and China and Russia to punish and enslave "Israel" or the West (as well as the modern state of Israel) because of their corruption. America and Great Britain(tribe of Joseph) will be the first casualties followed by the other nations representing the other tribes(mostly in Europe). After much sufferring and repentance Yahweh will once again deliver true Israel out of bondage as in the days of Moses and punish the other nations in the process. He will then find Israel a new home or Promised Land.

Just where will delivered "Israel" go? Some say back to Palestine, but this is impossible since that would be too small an area and would displace the Arabs. "Israel" today is over a billion people, and even if only a fraction of this survive, it would still need a sizeable land mass. The Americas are all taken or will be under occupation and Australia is mostly desert so where is the New Promised Land? Could it be the Inner Earth? Rodney M. Cluff in his site "Our Earth is Hollow" says the inner earth is the true home of Israel or the Lost Ten Tribes. It may be that Ireland and Iceland and Norway were not the final stops for at least a portion of the tribes of Israel -those who were accounted worthy to enter the inner world. Peoples from other nations are there also including an Inner Germany and possibly representatives of every nation.

Note: At this point I must interject that while there is an Inner Earth, the Hollow Earth concept is a false Masonic invention (this article was written before the Level Earth concept took hold). We are a flat or level plane enclosed in a dome or series of domes with surrounding ice walls or barriers which separate us from other worlds or continents. Even within our own dome are continents not revealed by the powers that be, generally called Atlantis, Lemuria, or Terra Vista, and it is here where the Germans fled to during and after World War II. Most of these lands are currently beyond the Sun's reach and therefore largely frozen yet very much occupied underground thanks to advanced technology. Hitler received most of his advanced technology including saucer technology from the Greys, Reptoids, and other beings which is how they managed to escape to these outer lands. Millions of Germans were transported via ships and saucers to these lands(or beneath them) where the New Germany and the New Berlin were established. The British and Americans discovered this and sent Admiral Byrd and hundreds of squadrons after them in Operation High Jump but were defeated and pushed back by German saucers.

Level Earth is bigger than we are taught and beyond it are other lands and continents

Hitler was not only fighting the Western globalists who wanted to subdue Germany, but the very evil spiritual powers who were behind the great modern reset of the last 300 years or so. The globalists, who are no respecter of nations, set up Great Britain and USA as the new world powers, and the nation state of Israel as their foothold in the Middle East. The globalists are controlled by Yahweh, the cruel and jealous and patriarchal god of the Commonwealth. The promises made to Abraham by Yahweh were fulfilled by Great Britain, USA and Europe in the last 300 plus years. The colonists trampled their way north and west of Palestine, through Europe, to eventually take over the New World or true Promised Land (the Americas and Commonwealth). It was mostly a destructive venture, eliminating or converting the natives to our current Western lifestyle. It was under Yahweh that Tartaria and the Old World was destroyed using an array of advanced weapons or technology.

This destruction and depopulation of the Old World continued well into the 1900's with World Wars I and II and a pending third. The Rothschild creation of the state of Israel in 1948 was the event that lit the Armageddon fuse. Today(2024), the corrupt and degenerated Western world, still led by the USA, finds itself at the brink of destruction, as its corrupt leaders allow foreign incursions to overwhelm it. Moral decay and materialism dominate and unless there is a turnaround, the great Commonwealth will come to an end. Many Americans are putting their faith in the comeback of Donald Trump, but will he be able to reverse the great damage already done, and who exactly is he working for? Others wait for a Messiah or the space people or ET's to resolve the mess Earth is in. Still others say we can only save ourselves from within. The next few years and decades will certainly be interesting ones.

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