Wouldn't it be wonderful if everyone had their own unique 12-letter name! No middle or last names -just one name composed of twelve letters
based on one's astrological chart. This would be your own unique cosmic or spiritual name.
Why twelve letters? Because this is the universal number. There are twelve signs, planets, numbers, months, etc. Also, because the chances of anyone having
the same name are almost 9 trillion to one. If you power 12 to the 12th the result is 8,916,100,448,256. If every planet in our solar system averaged 50 billion people
it would still only be one fifteenth of that total.
How would this name be determined?
This is where astrology and numerology can help.
Everyone has 12 astrological planets or factors in his/her chart; Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Sarturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Ascendant, and Midheaven.
Translating these 12 factors into their numerological and/or letter equivalents and arranging them properly is basically what it comes down to.
Unfortunately, a clear or complete correspondence between numbers, planets, and signs has yet to be agreed upon, so the results will vary. What we do know, however, does provide a basic or
fundamental starting point.
Below is a table of planet/sign/letter/number correspondences generally(but not universally) agreed upon. It is used in both the Western and Eastern cultures. It is a decimal, denary, or ten-based system
with 9 root digits and 0 as the place holder. There are probably as many valid numerical systems as there are numbers -unary, binary, ternary, etc.), but the this is the one that is relevant to us now so this
is what we shall use.
The next step is to come up with twelve letters based on your planetary positions. If you do not know your Ascendant or MC signs you will have to settle for ten letters or a ten letter name.
Example chart(no degrees are necessary): Sun in Leo, Moon in Virgo, Mercury in Cancer, Venus in Leo, Mars in Aries, Jupiter in Capricorn, Saturn in Aquarius, Uranis in Leo, Neptune in Scorpio, Pluto in Virgo, Asc. in Gemini, MC in Pisces
By referring to table 1, this individual's Sun, Venus, or Uranus(all in Leo) will best express through the letters A,J,or S. His Moon and Pluto(in Virgo) will best express through the letters E, N, or W. Mercury(in Cancer) will best express through
the letters B, K, or T, and so on with the other remaining planets. Check your current name to see which influences are being expressed(or denied expression).
IMPORTANT: It is probably wise to deny or limit the expression of badly placed planets(those not in signs of their own element or gender) so it could become a little tricky. conversely, it is recommended to allow full expression of your best planets(those
im their own sign, element, or gender. Or you may want to allow full expression of yourself -whether good or bad. This is your choice to make.
With 3(or 2) letters to choose from for every planet position -which do we choose? Any, as the system provides for flexibility. Also, each row of letters can be signified by one of the signs. I like to call the first row the Aries row, the second the Taurus row,
and the third the Gemini row. In our example, the Sun is in Leo, so based on compatability, A would be the best choice, followed by S and then J.
When all the letters have been selected, arranging them is the next step. Some like to start with the Sun, others the Ascendant, and some Mars which rules the first sign. There is no consensus here. The above diagram pictures the universal arrangement with Mars
leading and Neptune ending, but is Mars or Aries really the start? Then you must see to it that the arrangement makes sense in terms of sound or pronunciation. I am really forging into new territory here, so a lot more study needs to be done.
Besides a twelve letter name to reflect your chart, you can also produce a necklace or jewelry composed of twelve specific stones or gems each also reflective of your planet positions. If so, there must be 144 specific gem stones out there 12 of which can be called
uniquely your own. or you can have ten(or twelve) rings on the fingers of your hand which are direct indicators or pathways for the ten planets we are currently working with.
When all of the bugs have been worked out, you too can have your own unique, cosmic, universal, twelve-letter name, and be in synch with the mysterious energies of both youself and your universe.
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