Numbers are like colors, planets, or signs of the zodiac -they embody a specific set of traits or characteristics imbued to them by the fundamental principles of time and space or geometry. These traits have both personal and universal applications and serve as a framework upon which to build wisdom and character. . Space and its divisions are the basis for numbers and astrology is a great key in determining the quality or charactersistics of those spaces. The first space is like Aries, the first house, Mars, the color red, the fire element, the cardinal mode, or the number 1. The second space is Taurus, the second house, Venus, bronze, the earth element, the fixed mode, or the number 2, and so on. Letters basically take on the characteristics of the space they occupy in a circle. The problem is alphabets don't always have twelve letters. Most have between 20 and 30 letters and sometimes less or more. This is where overlapping occurs and is the basis of most numerology systems. Not only that, but every alphabet is different producing different results. The key is to use the alphabet of the culture you are currently functioning in. We will here deal with the 26 letters of the English alphabet. The first and most important distinction regarding letters is that of consonants and vowels. There are 20 consonants(BCDFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWXZ), 5 vowels(AEIOU), and 1 that is both(Y). There are four times more consonants than vowels. Vowels are the active or spiritual component of a word or name and can be likened to the fire signs or planets in astrology. In fact, all of the vowels except O fall under the fire signs(when 1=Aries, 2=Taurus, etc.). Now how coincidental is that! Vowels signify the true or root essence of that word or name. Consonants describe the dressing or aggregate. Names are groupings of letters describing a broader set or collection of characteristics which together accurately describe or make up the individual. They are like the planets in a horoscope chart differently patterned or arranged according to the birth information. People can have one, two, three, or more names depending on their culture, but the average is two. The first name is personal can be likened to your personal or fast-moving planets(Ascendant to Mars) and the surname is famillial or collective and can be likened to the outer generational planets(Jupiter to Pluto+). Ideally, we should all have just one twelve-letter name based on the twelve planet positions of our horoscope chart. The first letter in your first name has the strongest impact, both on yourself and others, much like the Ascendant sign in astrology. It is usually a consonant, but can sometimes be a vowel. When it is a vowel and a especially a double-vowel, there is no hiding of the true or inner nature which is quite obvious for everyone to see. When it is a consonant and especially a double consonant such as ch or th, then you will only really know the person with time(as is the case for most of us). I would give the first letter or double-consonant of the first name a 50% value in terms of importance, the second letter 25%, the third letter 12.5% and so on. The second or third names should be treated separately. The middle name describes hidden or special talents and characteristics, and the family name describes domestic or inherited influences. Letter Values This is a sticky area in numerology. There are at least three or four numerology systems commonly used around the world. The first is the Pythagorean system of nine numbers where A=1, B=2, etc. or as depicted below...
The values of each letter in your full birth or most commonly used name are added and then reduced to a value of 9 or less except for totals of 11 or 22 which are considered master numbers. For example, John Tyler = 1+6+8+5+2+7+3+5+9=46=10=1. Or you can first calculate them separately 1+6+8+5=20, 2+7+3+5+9=26, 20+26=46=10=1. One(1) is the name value for John Tyler. Then there is the Chaldean numerical system which uses only 8 digits, the 9th considered too holy to use, and goes as follows...
The same addition/reduction process is used as in the pythagorean model, but the end result will usually be different: 1+7+5+5+4+1+3+5+2=33=6. In the Chaldean system, John Tyler equates to a value of 6. The ancient Greek system is like the Pythagorean except that it uses a power of ten difference in each row as follows...
It is with this system that the number of the beast(666) in Revelation was calculated. Here John Tyler equates to 1+6+8+50+200+700+30+5+90=1090=10=1 (one) -the same as in the Pythagorean system. The Kaballah system uses the same values as the Pythagorean except that the name total is not reduced but divided by 9 and one added to the remainder. If your full name total is 46(John Tyler), for example, 46 divided by 9 = 5 and 1 remainder. Remainder 1 + 1 = 2. Two(2) is John Tyler's Kaballah number. Then there is the astrological system based on twelve where A=Aries, B=Taurus, etc. and looks as follows.
There is no addition or calculation here. While A, M, and Y all relate to Aries, A is pure or cardinal(first row) such as Mars in Aries, M is fixed or feminine(second row) such as Venus in Aries, and Y is mutable(third row) such as Mercury in Aries. Letters with only two rows alternate between masculine(first row) planet placements and feminine(second row) planet placements. So for John Tyler, J=Cap+, O=Gem-, H=Sco+, N=Tau-, T=Sco-, Y=Ari+, L=Pis+, E=Leo+, R=Vir-. Planets in those signs will be emphasized or highlighted. The gender of the planet(+or-) must also be taken into account. Why is our numerology eight, nine, or ten-based? Because that is the culture we live in. Number systems are based on the prevailing culture of the time. Basically, all systems, whether they be binary, tertiary, septenary, decimal, duodecimal, or vigesimal, have their value or importance, showing the different perspectives in which we can view life. I am partial to the 12-based system since this is currently the universal blueprint for our universe, but any system we give power to will work. I find our current decimal system reflects our current era with it's ten planets(Sun to Pluto) but it is limited or incomplete. Even the tenth value(Pluto or 0) has not yet been fully integrated so that patriarchy(signified by the odd numbers 1,3,5,7,9) is still greater or more powerful than matriarchy(signified by the even numbers 2,4,6,8) Zero or ten only came to be around 1000 AD, and values for 11 and 12 have yet to be created. Perhaps most different of all is the full or infinite dual-based number system which treats every letter and its corresponding numerical value as unique and appears as follows...
In the infinite or dual-based gender system the first space is always positive or masculine in nature. This and the qualities of the number 1 constitute the nature of the letter A. The second space or B is negative and feminine and expresses the qualities of 2, and so on. This should be the minimum basis or constant for all numerology systems, but is not the case. In the nine or odd-based Pythagorean system, for example, N or the 14th letter in the English alphabet, which is a naturally negative, even, or feminine influence, reduces to 5 or falls in the 5th(odd) space of the 2nd row.. How can it be both even and odd? This seriously challenges the validitity of ODD based numbering systems. In the infinite or dual-based gender system, N is and always will be an even letter. Perhaps this brings in the importance of having an EVEN based system of numerology where the polarity(positive and negative or masculine and feminine) remains unnafected. Having zero or a new ten symbol as the tenth space would bring us up to date and balance the gender issue in numerology. Eventually it would go to twelve and merge with our astrological system.
Also, it will be noted that the name John Tyler equates to a different value in most of the systems. Only the Pythagorean and ancient Greek system harmonize at the root level. Compatibility The positive/negative value of each letter based on successive spacing also serves as the basis for compatibility. Positive letters harmonize with other positive letters, and negative letters harmonize with other negative letters. It's as simple as that. So A is compatible with C and E and G but conflicts with B and D and F and so on. Take the first letter in your first name and determine whether it is positive or negative. Then compare it with the first letter of another name to see if it matches or not. (Note: the results can vary depending on the system you use.) Do this for any words or even numbers. In the case of numbers, do not add or reduce, just simply determine whether it's odd or even. Now go to the second letter of your first name and compare it with the second letter of someone else's name. Then go to the third and fourth and so on. The more matches in terms of positive or negative the more compatibility. First letter comparisons are worth 50%. Second letter is worth 25%. Third is 12.5% and so on(keep halving). If your name has only three letters stop there and add the results. Using this simple method, you can determine the best people, places, things, foods, jobs, careers, dates, times, etc. The possibilities are endless. Of course, name or letter resonance is not the only means of determining compatibility, but it can work surprisingly well.
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