432 HZ, 528 HZ, etc
Sound is a powerful tool for healing -or unhealing, and is measured in hertz(hz) frequencies of one cycle per second.
440 hz is the standard today in the music industry and originated in Austria as early as 1834 but never caught on until
much later. Intead, the French standard of 435 hz was used widely since the 1860's. Then, in the 1930's, scientific studies funded
by the Rockefellers and Rothchilds, pushed 440 hz for military and control purposes, especially in America and Great Britain.
While 440 hz gained traction in the 1950's, it was not standardized worldwide until 1975 by the ISO.
432 HZ was discovered in France in 1713 by Joseph Sauveur, who harmonized it with the Schuman Resonance(7.83 hertz),
by placing middle C at 256 hz and balancing its octaves on whole numbers rather than decimals. The decimal(ten-based) system in general
is Satanic in nature. Cell phones, Wi-Fi, 5G, radio, and microwaves, while not necessarily at 440 hz all produce a discordant pitches or frequencies
resulting in tension or disease. 432 HZ, on the other hand, resonates with rain, flowing water, breezes, birds singing, leaves rustling, and other natural noises.
Many are discovering that 432 hz is far more harmonious and healing than 440 hz and are converting
their instruments and music to that pitch. Stradivarius violins, Tibetan singing bowls, and most ancient instruments are tuned to 432 hz.
John Lennon used the even higher 528 hz to record his song "Imagine" which he hoped would bring love and peace to the world. This
posed a great threat to the military industrial complex which wants only war and chaos and who was ultimately responsible for Lennon's
death in 1980. The Book of 528: Prosperity Key of Love, by Leonard Horowitz discusses all this in detail.
![]() scales vary from the original 6 to a possible 12
Numerology has a lot to do with the frequencies. 440 is 4+4=8. Both 4 and 8 are numbers of death and transformation and the cabal knows it.
432 is 4+3+2=9. As a universal odd number, 9 is more healing and energizing than 8. 8 in numerology is Saturn and 9 is Mars. 528 is 5+2+8=15=6.
6 is Venus or the planet of music and love and is even more harmonizing than either 8 or 9.
![]() all significant solfeggio numbers reduce to 3,6, or 9, and most are diagonally separated by distances of 111
You can convert your music files from 440 to 432 or even 528 hz by using a music editing program like Audacity. After bringing in your music file,
go to effects/change pitch, and in the frequency boxes type in 440.00 to 432 or 528. also check the high quality stretching box for best results.
Another way to do it is...effect/change speed, and type in 0.981(which is 432 of 440). If you want visual instructions check sites such as the following
...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s3NGlsDdhTk. Other sites can have it done for you.
![]() Paul McCartney and other artists also emulated him.
Many have commented that the 432 hz frequency or pitch is more calming or relaxing and compatible to nature and human biology while 440 is more drab,
jarring, cold, or unnaturaI. It is perhaps just another way the cabal is trying to bring us down. You be the judge.
Tuning fork at 432 hz, https://www.bitchute.com/video/pC8DMIMp8kKs/ |