A Health Message To Trump
While Trump is doing a lot of good on the economic front during the early days of his second term, it appears he is woefully ignorant when it comes to true health. What is he doing hitching his wagon to the likes of Bill Gates and Larry Ellison whose projects will be the death of us? It seems he is repeating the same mistakes he did in his first term with Warp Speed and Fauci, unless this is some kind of set up to kick these devils out.

Health is not something that is solved with AI or technology. Quite the contrary. What is needed here is a NATURAL and WHOLISTIC approach to health rather than an AI or pharmaceutical one. Health is not just physical, but emotional, mental, and spiritual. Yes, we need a clean and proper environment, but we also need organic foods, good relationships, true education, and a right connection to our Creator. The only thing AI will do is to separate or distance us from our true health and divine connection.

What is AI (artificial Intelligence) in the first place? It is computerized universal knowledge at a phenomenal speed. The problem is that it is no better than what we put into it. It is all programmed, and while it is quicker than any human thought so far, it is cold and factual with no human emotion or empathy. That is why it will be disastrous (in the wrong hands). Sure it has some useful or practical applications, but only if used morally or ethically.

Even worse are the vaccines which Larry and company said can be given once AI has made a diagnosis. While the diagnosis can be correct, the use of vaccines, in my opinion to treat anything, is not advised. Vaccines have never cured anything and never will. At best they prod the body into overcoming certain infections or poisons which are put into the vaccines themselves, but in most cases they overwhelm the immune system and cause disease or disability. I would rather trust my own body's defences to ward off any dangers. Just look at what the covid jabs did in the past 5 years. Also, I wouldn't put it past the authorities that they know the dangers or consequences fully well and that there are ulterior motives for the jabs such as depopulation and financial profit.

Trump, you need to wise up to the fact that health does not come from technology or the prick of a needle, and if you do know, then you are complicit and have sold out. Keep performing your economic miracles, but please stay away from the medical arena. This is something money cannot fix. Let RFK Jr or better handle that department.

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