The numbers represent years and the years begin and end with your date of birth. In our example, "J" is the first phase of that person's life lasting from Jan.1, 1950 to Jan.1, 1951(one year). "O" is the second phase of that person's life lasting from Jan.1, 1951 to Jan.1, 1957(6 years) and so on. When you reach the end of your name go back to the first letter(of your first name) to continue. Each letter/number/planet has its own characteristics which color that phase or time period in your life and cannot be covered here. By far the most interesting are the K(first two years in particular) and V(first four years in particular) phases which have to do with self-mastery. Long phases such as 9 years can be sub-divided into three periods of 3 years each, eight years into two periods of four years each, and six years into two periods of 3 years each. Negative D words: damning, danger, darkness, damage death, deafness, debauchery, debasing, debility, debt, decapitation, decimation, decline, decadence, depreciate, decrease, decrepitude, decantation, decomposition, decommission, deduction, deformity, defamation, deface, degeneration, dejection, deletion, deleterious, deliberation, demon, demise, demean, delinquancy, delirium, deluge, delusion, demolition, demoralization, demote, denature, denial, density, denunciation, deplenish, deplorion, depopulation, deposition, deportation, derange, derelict, derision, desecration, desensitization, desegregation, desertion, desire, desolation, despair, despite, despotism, despoilment, destabilization, destruction, deterioration, detestability, detour, detraction, detriment, devaluation, deviation, devastation, devil, devise, devoid devolution, devour diabolic, dictator, diefication, difficulty, digression, dimming, diminutive, dim-wit, dire, dirt, disability, disaccord, disadvantage, disaffect, disagreement, disappearance, disappointment, disapproval, disarray, disassociation, disaster, discardment, discarnation, discipline, discomfort, discommend, disconcertion, disconnection, discontent, discord, discouragement, discreditability, discrimination, disdain, disease, disfavor, disfigurement, disfunction, disgrace, disgust, disharmony, dishonesty, dishonor, disillusionment, disinclination, disimformation, disintegration, disinterest, disjunction, dislike, disloyalty, dismay, disobedience, disorder, disparity, dispersal, dispiritment, displacement, displeasure, disposal, dispossession, disproportion, dispute, disqualify, disregard, disrepute, disrespect, disruption, dissacociation, dissatisfaction, dissent, disservice, distortion, distraction, distress, disturbance, disunity, disvalue, divergence, divestment, division, divorce dogmatism, dominance, doom, dope, double-talk, doubt, down, downfall drab, draconian, drag, dragon, drain, drastic, drawback, dread, drifting, drill, drop(act), dross, drug, drunkard, drowning, dullard, dummy, dumpage, dunce, dung, dupery, dust
D First Names: Dabria, Dacey, Dacia, Dacio, Dae, Daisy, Dagmar, Dale, Dalia, Dalton, Daly, Damara, Damia, Damien, Damon, Dan, Dana, Dane, Daniel, Danett, Dania, Danica, Danielle, Danny, Dante, Daphne, Dara, Darby, Darcy, Daren, Daria, Dario, Darius, Darlene, Darren, Daryl, Dash, Dasha, Dave, David, Davin, Davine, Dawn, Daya Dea, Deacon, Dean, Deandra, Deanna, Debbie, Decker, Deborah, Debra, Dee, Deidre, Delano, Delany, Delbin, Delia, Delicia, Delilah, Della, Delta, Delores, Delphine, Delroy, Delsin, Demi, Dempsey, Dena, Denis, Denise, Denzel, Derek, Dermot, Derry, Deryn, Desa, Desi, Desdemona, Desiree, Desma, Desmond, Destiny, Deva, Devi, Devin, Devon, Dexter, Dextra Diamanta, Diana, Diane, Dianthe, Dick, Didi, Didiane, Diedrich, Dirk, Dillian, Dillis, Dillon, Dina, Dinah, Dimitri, Dionne, Disa, Dixie, Dita, Divina Djimon Dobry, Dodie, Dolly, Dolph, Dom, Dominic, Dominique, Don, Donald, Donalda, Donata, Donato, Donna, Donnelly, Donovan, Dora, Doreen, Dorinda, Doris, Dorothy, Dory, Doug, Douglas, Drew, Drina, Drucilla, Dusty Drake, Drea, Drew Duane, Duke, Dudley, Duncan, Dustin, Durand, Dutch, Dylan Dwayne, Dwight,
D Places: Dacca, Dalian, Dakar, Dakota, Dallas, Damascus, Dar Es Salaam, Darwin, Dawson, Davenport Dehli, Delaware, Denmark, Denver, Des Moines, Detroit, Dodge City Dhaka, Diego Garcia, Dijon, Djibouti Dodoma, Doha, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Dortmund, Dover Dublin, Duluth, Durban, Dushanbe
It appears there are at least three levels or stratas where numerology is concerned. The first is the single digit level from 1 to 9 which
represents the human or common level. Then comes the double digit level which represents the superhuman or demi-god level, and then the triple
digit level
which represents the divine or godly level. The table below clarifies this.
The numbers are placed beneath one another according to their root value. The master number 55 for example, has a root value of 10 or 1, 11 has a root value of 2, and so on. You will note that all of the Divine or Godly numbers have only three possible root numbers and this must hold a great mystery. I have included only the master numbers on both the superhuman and divine levels. The other double and triple digit numbers are subservient to these. There is no doubt a fourth level and beyond. The fourth level which contains four digits may be Planetary in Nature, the fifth level Solar, and so on throughout the remaining levels. Each level is separated by a factor of 10 or 11 demonstrating the vast gulf between each kingdom or heiarchy. In numerology, 7 is considered a highly spiritual number with introverted qualities and is associated with the planet Neptune. I agree with the spirituial element, and to some extent with the introversion, but not with the planet association. Seven is an odd or masculine number whereas Neptune or Pisces-its ruling sign is an even or feminine number/influence. Just as the Sun or Leo is associated with the number 1, and the Moon or Cancer is associated with the number 2, so Uranus or Aquarius is 7(opposite on the wheel) and Saturn or Capricorn is 8(also opposite on the wheel). Seven, the number of heaven, fits perfectly with Uranus the planet of heaven. Uranus is also the 7th planet from the Sun and takes 7 years to traverse each zodiac sign. It's exaltation is in Libra the 7th sign, just as the Sun's exaltation is in Aries the first sign(its opposite). The number 7 is highly indivisible(mathematically), giving it much strength and originality. It is spiritual in the sense that it seeks and follows truth and concerns itself with the good of humanity. In the old schools of initiation, such as those of Pythagoras, candidates whose names or birthdays reduced to 7 were immediately accepted for training as they were considered to have a natural grasp or understanding of the higher laws of spirit. Sevens are also prominent in the arts and entertainment fields where their powerful creativity and originality find a natural outlet. They can also be influential writers, speakers, or media people, bringing their truth to the masses. The downside of sevens is their almost complete lack of practical or business ability(also seen in 11's) which is where they need the help of a more worldly partner(such as a 4, 8, or 22). The letters associated with 7 in numerology are G, P, and Y. G as in God, great, or good, P as in planet, peace, providence, and prosperity, an Y as in yin and yang, yod, and yearning. The ages are 7(childhood), 14(teenhood), and 21(adulthood). The word seven contains the master letter v perfectly balanced in the middle of it also adding to its power(at least in the English language).
In this way, 7, 11, 22, and 33 or Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Eris(the "modern" planets), represent master vibrations in numerology.
To get a color for Sun in Capricorn, for example, one would have to mix light orange with dark blue. In regular movement, a thought or imagination incites the emotions which in turn incite the body to move. What about "mind over matter"? Yes, this is certainly possible, but under certain conditions. For mind or thought to have absolute power over the body, the emotions must be quelled or put to sleep. There are several ways of quieting the emotions, especially the negative ones. One way is through meditation or rest. Another is through fasting. Still another is to be in a weightless environment(or close to it). In our modern, stressful, indulgent, and fast-moving/changing environment, emotions(habits) almost completely dominate our activities. Here the mind always plays second fiddle to our emotions or desires. What little mind power we have left(there are of course exceptions) can be demonstrated through the use of a pendulum. Pendulum users are well aware that the directional swing of the object hanging from a thread can be controlled or manipulated through concious effort(anyone can do this). This mental power(telekenisis?) increases drastically under zero gravity, as any astronaut will tell you(if he is allowed), or as is described by The Man when he reaches the hollow Earth's gravity center in the book Etidorpha by John Uri LLoyd. People experienced in meditation or fasting will also tell you that body movements are much easier to control by thought alone when undergoing their disciplines -they induce a weightless effect which tames the emotions and empowers the mind. When dreaming we are also nearly weightless, so that what we think fear or desire manifests. Levitation or telekinesis is very easy to do in the dream state -when we are out of our cumbersome bodies. I'm sure we've all had times when lying comfortably in bed or on a chair and wishing that book or drinking glass to come over simply by extending your arm, or expecting yourself to rise out of bed, not through sheer effort, but through thought alone. You are right to suspect that it can be done, but your mental body, which envelops and interpenetrates your physical body must first expand and strengthen itself. This is done through purification techniques such as meditation and fasting, or by being in a weightless environment(which will naturally slow down all the metabolic processes). When your mental body, which is elastic in nature, has grown or extended to envelop that book or drinking glass, summoning it to you will be no problem(see diagram below). Nor will moving your body(flying, levitation, etc.) be a problem through concious effort alone. Your mental body is after all the template or blueprint from which your physical body is built or developed.
![]() An extended or mobile mental body is also how telepathy or teleportation works. There is apparently no limit to how far the mental body can extend.