Lion's Gate 2024

Major portals or gates have been opening up all around the world since Dec.2012 allowing new energies to come in leading up to the supposed Ascension event in 2025. With each new opening humanity comes closer to realizing its divine potential, at least for a certain select group if not the majority. Those few achieve Christhood while the rest perish or continue floundering.

Things really got serious when the Scorpio death gate energies came in in December of 2019 or the beginning of the Covid pandemic when the death jab or stinger sentenced many to a painful end, the effects of which are still in progress.

Four years of travel and other restrictions(Sag/Cap) followed under the Biden era until the current mayhem we are witnessing today(2024). Things have definitely gotten worse rather than better as the evil ones become more agitated by the positive influx of energies. The dark ones know they have only months before their judgement and condemnation under the new Trump regime so they are doing everything they can to bring us down with them. They will of course fail but but not before causing a lot of damage and destruction, which they have already incurred to a great degree. It would have been hell on Earth under Hillary if Trump did not intervene in 2016, but we got a taste of it under Biden. The dismal economy and social degradation of the of the Biden era woke up many but Trump's assasination attempt was the last straw, and it will no doubt insure his victory in November 2024.

There was some reprieve in 2023(Aquarius) as the people wised up and the covid fiasco died off but this did not stop the Deep State/Khazarian Mafia from coming up with other ways to tighten the clamps, but most people, especially those outside of the Commonwealth countries, are not buying it anymore, and are ready to ditch the Babylon whore system centered in the Alps and set up their own economies and rules. Eventually, the West will lose its grip or dominance to the East but not before a bloody showdown. The bad guys have been around for thousands of years and no doubt still have some surprises in their bag of evil tricks.

The Lion's Gate Portal opening on August 8, 2024(or 8/8/8) is part of the Piscean period(Dec 2023 to Dec 2024) and while NOT at first appearing to be a positive event, will in the end benefit us greatly, like a bad tooth or thorn being pulled out. The number 8 is Saturn or Satan who is still the God of this world and who has yet to unleash his full fury upon the world. The brutal Israeli incursions into Gaza in 2024 are an example of this. It's exposing the brutal or psycopathic natures of certain leaders and their misguided agendas.

Each portal opening is forcing the evil or dark ones out into the open for all of us to see as they are being driven out by the forces of good or light. They have nowhere else to go and like cornered rats they will lash out before being captured or destroyed. Millions of ET's from the outer lands are now coming in their crafts to assist the White Hats and humanity in the clean up of Earth, and it is in its final phases. Pluto's final re-entry into worldly Capricorn between September 1st and November 19th 2024 is the cosmic marker for this final clean up phase, after which will ensue a totally diffent paradigm under Pluto in Aquarius. Uranus and Neptune are also moving into more positive signs at the same time.

Neptune in its home sign of Pisces(2011-2025) is always the great reset placement for life on Earth. This placement dissolves the collective psyche into mush and confusion making it an ideal time for the controllers to enact their changes on humanity and the world. Most people are truly lost and confused right now as all knowledge and feeling is melding into one and all the rules and structures of the past no longer make sense to them. Who wants to continue to work or pay the bills and taxes for the corrupt corporations anymore? All beliefs and truths are now being challenged or exposed as we finally see the lies and deceptions. History, science, religion, etc. -everything we've been taught in our modern society is mostly lies or deceptions.

While Neptune confuses it also sensitizes, and we feel the corruption, but don't quite know what to do with it. When Neptune moves into Aries in 2025 things will be much clearer for most and Pluto in Aquarius will put the onus on individuals rather than organizations. Yes, governments and politicians are largely on the way out as people seek more freedom and independence.

One of the reasons it's called the Lion's Gate Portal is because literal winged lions from the spiritual realm are coming in to help fight humanity's battle. In esoteric teachings, the lion race is said to have given birth to humanity and it must learn to fight for its freedom. Trump with his Leo(lion) rising and Mars and Pluto also there, personifies this on a human level. Fight! Fight! Fight! is the message.

When the powers that be and their lies and manipulations finally come to an end, we will rediscover our true origins, purpose, and potential. The dome and the ice walls will no longer confine us and we will explore new lands and peoples and dimensions, and anything we think or imagine will be possible.

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