Two-Month Asteroid 2024 PT5

A mini asteroid will come into Earth orbit as a 2nd moon for about 2 months from September 29 to November 25th 2024.

What could this mean? And funny it coincides with Pluto's last stay in Capricorn also from September to November 2024, which most astrologers predict will be a very critical time for the governments of the world.

This tiny asteroid is part of the Arjuna near-Earth asteroid belt which includes Apollo, Amor, Aten, and Atira. Arjuna is a Hindu demi-god in the epic Mahabharata known for his courage and wisdom.

2024 PT5 takes just one year to make a complete orbit. It was discovered on August 7, 2024 by the ATLAS warning system in South Africa, It's closest approach to Earth will be on January 9, 2025. You need a telescope to see it.

For flat Earthers , asteroids are local debris from the dome, and for others they may be orbiting craft sometimes disguised as asteroids. Beyond Mystic says 2024 PT5 is a mothership come to monitor and help us through these difficuilt times. Rising Phoenix Aurora describes 2024 PT5 as Durga the Hindu godess of motherhood strength and war and says she is come to make sure Trump ends up being relected. Kimberly Palm of Spiritual Growth Journeys quotes Yeshua as saying that 2024 PT5 is an Andromedan Mother ship whose task it is to hunt down all reptilians hiding underground.

Astrologically, 2024 PT5 will be from tropical Virgo to tropical Leo during its 56.6 day closest orbit to us.

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