Originally, the weather on Earth was always beautidful and balanced, and the Creator(s) would have it no other way, but then the Invaders came in and changed
Why do we have so many extremes and disasters in our weather/climate all over the world? Obviously someone or something is messing things up, and they are.
When the negative aliens or ET's came in they used their science and technology to control our weather and environment for their own selfish purposes, and the
humans gradually gave in.
They implanted their macines in the ground which created the domes and ice walls which entrapped the humans and animals within. Or they may have created or
imported some of these life forms from elsewhere to populate their farm.
While the dome controls our air and sky, the underground machines control our heat and cold. Gigantic cooling or refrigerating systems were built thousands of years
ago to create the ice and snow and are still being used today. These collossal refrigeration machines hold up the ice walls and can be swithched on or off or regulated
to cause variable temperatures and climates.
![]() Normally, the temperature is even throughout this plain, which is neither hot or cold, but the cold the machines create push the heat towards the equator making it very hot there while at the same time keeping the northern and southern lattitudes cool, cold, or freezing. That, plus the tilted and rotating dome (causing night and day), keep us perpetually struggling with all kinds of temperatures and weather conditions(HAARP also plays a role). So how do we fix this? The answer is to remove the parasites and their machines or simply shut them down, allowing the snow and ice to melt and the excess heat at the equator to flow back naturally to the north and south. This will result in an average temperature of 75 degrees farenheight throughout the plane and produce paradisical living conditions. This condition existed before the Great Flood of Noah which coincides with the invasion of our world by the parasites. A comfortable and stable climate throughout our plain is ABSOLUTELY necessary for any kind of worlwide paradise or utopia to exist. It is the base or first prerequisite. Also, there will be no more big oceans, lakes, mountains, or valleys, which are also unnatural, but only a flat plain and many rivers. The bible describes this apocalyptic end-time event when the Earth shakes mightily and all the mountains are flattened and the oceans dispersed(Revelations 16:17). A flat smooth plain with great rivers and giant trees and plants and animals and humans will once again become the norm once the evil ones are removed and humanity and the Earth are allowed to heal and flourish. Even tornados, hurricanes, floods, and storms of all kinds are unnatural. They are artificially created by the powerful tech of the evil entities ruling over us for millennia. Who are these beings? Some say they are negative ET/s such as the Greys or Reptilians while others point to the evil scientists, corporations, governments, and secret societies. Whoever they are, they need to be rooted out so that humanity and the Earth itself can heal and flourish again. back to home |