On January 20th, 2025 at Noon, in Washington DC, Donald John Trump gets inaugurated as the 47th President of the United States. I have drawn up
a chart for that day and hour as is shown below...
![]() The most poignant feature of the chart is the Sun-Pluto conjunction in the whole sign tenth house very near to the Midheaven, signifying a powerful transformative and revolutionary influence on the public, the nation, and world at large. This is well supported by a rough grand air trine formation from Jupiter in Gemini in the 2nd house and Moon in Libra inth 6th house, meaning there will be lots of money, resources, and manpower to make this happen. The Sun-Pluto conjunction is very close so the impact Trump's Presidency will have on others will be very deep and intense. In a way, he will be an instrument of freedom and truth for the world (Aquarius) in this dawning Age of Aquarius. Jupiter in Gemini in the 2nd indicates multiple sources of wealth and information available to him and Moon in Libra in the sixth indicates public agreement and harmony for his policies, especially those that are work or health-related. Uranus cojunct the Ascendant in Taurus makes this a solid but unpredictable presidency which is characteristic of Trump himself. What he does may be jarring or bizarre at first but will prove to be beneficial in the long run, especially when it comes to money or resources. The trine from Mercury in Capricorn in the 9th is good for buisiness and foreign relations, and the trine from Mars in Cancer in the third will help him get things done, especially with neighbours like Canada (a Sun-Uranus in Cancer nation). With Mars opposite the MC, there is always the danger of violent opposition to Trump's goals and policies, or even an attempt to bring him down personally, before, during, or after the Inauguration. The aspects are mostly good, however, indicating he will survive or overcome these dangers. Saturn, Venus, Neptune, and the North Node all in Pisces in the 11th house shows longetivity, charm, and support from his many friends and associates and humanitarian groups. A lot will be done to alleviate the plight of the poor and suffering and unemployed in both the US and elsewhere. Leo on the 4th indicates that entertainment will come back and that it will be mostly electronic in nature(ruler in Aquarius).