Planet Trios in Astrology

Planets not only have threefold functionality but appear to be grouped in threes as well.

The Ascendant(Earth), Midheaven(Meru), and Moon in astrology are the three most obvious factors for a reason: they are the closest to us and move the fastest through the zodiac.

Next are the Sun and its satellites Mercury and Venus which are the next closest and fastest moving factors, followed by the outer visible planets of Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, and the outermost invisible planets of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.

The diagram below clarifies this...

I have incorporated vedic and astronomical as well as astrological principles. Vedic and ancient sources have always presented the Earth as a flat or level disc with its center leading upwards to Heaven or the abode of the Gods, and down to the underworld as well. In astrology, this Earth disc defines the Ascendant-Descendant axis and the Meru tower defines the Midheaven(MC)-IC axis.

In the Vedas our true Earth is actually 100 times larger in diameter than the current Earth we know, and is called Jambudvipa. Jambudvipa is 800,000 miles in diameter. Earth as we know it is a small section of southern Jambudvipa(Bharata-varsa) measuring 8000 miles in diameter. In fact, true Earth extends infinitely as our ecliptic plane.

The Meru or Sumeru(Sumerian?) tower is almost as high as Jambudwipa is wide and is the true communication center of our known system or universe(Bhumandala) whose nuclear disk is some 4 billion miles in diameter. Our small Earth has a smaller replica of this Meru tower at the north pole.

The true Moon(of which ours is a reflection) is some 240,000 miles away from us, which is still within the bounds of true Earth or Jambudwipa, making the Earth, Meru, and Moon a triple system. The salt water ocean(Lavana) which surrounds and is part of Jambudwipa actually doubles its diameter to some 1,200,000 miles.

Next comes the Sun-Mercury-Venus triple system which is further out, some 93 million miles from us, and centered around the inner Puskaradvipa land ring. Mercury and Venus cross several land rings and from our point of view never appear more than 48 degrees of arc from the Sun. Should one day Mercury and Venus be loosed from the Sun they would acquire their own particular land rings and sign rulerships.

Next is Mars, the first of the outer visible three planets, centered in outer Puskaradvipa (the Manasattora mountain range divides inner and outer) but whose orbit also dips into a few of the more inner rings. Between Mars and Jupiter are the asteroids which correspond with the Inhabited Land of the vedics. Jupiter straddles the inner part of the Golden Land and Saturn the outer part of it.

An enormous mountain wall, the Lokaloka mountains, divide the traditional visible planets up to Saturn from the modern invisible outer ones. The planetoid Chiron straddles this divide. In the latter half of dark Aloka-varsa beyond the Golden Land is Uranus It is dark here because the Sun's light is blocked by the high mountain wall. Aloka-varsa comes to an end at the 2 billion mile mark of the nuclear disc of Bhumandala.

Beyond the nuclear disc which contains Uranus are two much vaster interpenetrating discs which are collective in nature.Neptune, Pluto, Eris and Kuiper belt belong to the second collective disc system of which little is known about, and a third generic disc system which includes Sedna is beyond that.

You wlll note that all twelve planets or factors are set in orbit or succession so that there is an unbroken sequence of the signs whether backwards or forwards(Taurus to Aries or Libra to Scorpio). This is by intelligent design. There are two signs per planet, the primary ruling sign and the secondary or substitute sign(in brackets).

Also to note is that group 1 or Earth, Meru and Moon are opposite by by sign to group 3 or Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. Likewise, group 2 or Sun, Mercury, and Venus are opposite by sign to group 4 or Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. This is also by intelligent design.

The next diagram clarifies the relationship of our known astronomical system with that of vedic Bhumandala...

Note: the sizes and distances are not necessarily to scale.

Anyone interested in the subject of Bhumandala or the vedic universe should look into the videos and books of Richard L. Thompson(Sadaputa) and Radha Mohan Das. The graphics are excellent and the explanations simplified. Another important and detailed source is's Bhu-mandala article series entitled "Sailing To Jambudbipa".

Functional and Ruling Attributes of the Planets

The function of each planet or factor depends on sign rulership. For a more detailed description of this see my article "Triple Nature of the Planets" in the astrology articles/archives section.

Mars, which is ruled primarily by Aries, for example, is your drive and energy, but Mars is also traditionally linked to Scorpio, which is sex and the darker side of life. Scorpio is in fact the dark or night side of Aries. Mars is also very closely linked to Libra its opposite sign which is peace through force.

Likewise, Pluto, primary ruler of Scorpio, also has an Aries and Taurus side but on a larger scale: Pluto's association with World War and Big Money or Finance is unmistakable. There is a theory that Pluto should be in Mars' orbit and Mars in Pluto's orbit.

Venus is Taurus(possesions and values) but also Libra(relationships) and Scorpio(sex or passion). Inversely, the Earth/Ascendant or Rising sign is Libra(relationships) but also Taurus(body, physicality, appearance), as well as Aries(first impact or impression). In fact, I would argue that the secondary ruler is what comes across first to others in this upside-down inverse world of ours.

Jupiter is Sagittarius(growth, faith, optimism), but also Pisces(religion, mysticism, occult) and Gemini(thinking, communicating). Saturn is Capricorn(organization, discipline), but also Aquarius(science, revolution), and Cancer(home, security). I've noticed however, that as the new or missing planets are discovered and their influences unleashed, a growing split occurs in the double rulership.

Uranus is Aquarius, and it's difficult to also associate it with Capricorn, but the link may be there, as also with it's opposite sign of Leo. Same with Neptune which is Pisces/Sagittarius/ Virgo.

The Sun, like the Moon, is said to rule only one sign(Leo), but it is well known or observed that the Moon is more readily apparent in a native than the Sun, and in that sense it acts like the Sun. Unless one's Ascendant is also the Sun Sign, the Sun will not be so obvious and may in fact be a private part of the individual, and in that sense, the Sun acts like the Moon.

Mercury is Virgo(critical or perceptual ability) as well as Gemini(thinking and communicating). Of course the Gemini side comes out stronger but that's because we live in an inverse world. Mercury is also associated with Pisces(imagination) and even with honesty or openness(Sagittarius). It appears ALL of the mutable planets/signs are inseparably linked in some way. There is more distinction between the cardinal and fixed pairs.

The Midheaven is the most mysterious factor of all. It is not considered a planet(the Earth is not really a planet either), but has equal if not more impact(like the Ascendant). At first I thought the MC was linked to Earth's Black or Inner sun, but this may be the IC part of it. The MC or Midheaven may in fact be connected to Mount Meru(also known as Mount Olympus), that enormous tower or tree rising from the center of Greater Earth or Jambudvipa and reaching towards Heaven. I would have never made the association were it not for vedic cosmology.

Meru is a like a giant computer or broadcating station reaching all parts of our universe. At 672,000 miles high and with the gods living on it, it must be an incredible emmittor of knowledge and conciousness. This is why I have associated it with Gemini/Virgo (and Sagittarius). I may be wrong, but it's a fascinating correlation or possibility. While Mercury is the actual act of communicating(speech/writing,etc), the MC may be that inner voice inside of us that thinks and reflects -the silent observer. Since the star Polaris energizes Mount Meru, Polaris must also be given consideration in astrology.

As we grow and develop, so will the the planetary/sign correspondences. Etheric as well as more distant bodies may become our centers of consciousness and being.

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