Saturn in Pisces and Foot Problems

I've noticed an increase in foot problems during the Saturn in Pisces transit both personally and with others. This is especially true if you already have Pisces planets.

Pisces, after all, rules the feet, and Saturn is problems or obstacles, so it's a given that people will have more foot issues with the Saturn in Pisces transit. Neptune complicates matters, especially as these two planets near conjunction as is happening in mid-late 2024. Whereas Saturn can bring stiffness, arthritis, or even hits and bruises, Neptune's effect is much more subtle and hard to diagnose often bringing about weaknesses or oversensitivity. Some of the problems may be karmic(both Saturn and Neptune are highly associated with karma) while others may be more practical in nature, like practicing better hygeine or getting better footwear or going barefoot and grounding more often. Sluggish or blocked circulation may also be an issue and the diet may need to be improved.

Saturn rules the bones and tendons and nails so that these parts of the foot may be paticularly affected. Bones can become brittle with age and tendons can lose their elasticity and nails can also get brittle or grow crooked. Your feet need to breathe and expand freely and wearing tight shoes, especially rubber, can cause many problems like fungus, odor, and ingrown toenails. Wear sandals or porous shoes whenever you can. Going barefoot is best but this is hard to do in cold or urban areas. Grounding barefoot in the soil or grass for an hour a day can completely recalibrate not only your feet but your entire body as well. Rubber, plastic, asphalt, and cement or steel, the bane of modern civilization, can cut you off from the restorative magnetic energies coming from Mother Earth. Grounding products are available online for both your daily and nightly activities (yes your bed can cut you off as well).

Whatever your situation, your feet will be more of an issue now, especially if you are a Saturn-ruled type(Capricorn and Aquarius) or if you have personal and sensitive Pisces placements in your chart. Personally, I've clumsily hit my foot three times so far in July 2024 and stepped on a rose thorn to boot, causing me difficulty in walking for a week so far. My Saturn is strong so it's not so bad, but I can imagine those with less favorable Saturn and Pisces placements. It's important not to put undue pressure on the affected area and know that the situation will usually pass or get better with time (which is ruled by Saturn).

Pisces also rules fluids and drugs and care must be taken when dealing with these as they can worsen the issue if not handled properly. Heavy people with poor diets will probably suffer the most with their feet under this transit. A good diet, proper exercise, and good old common sense will go a long way in helping you with any foot problems. Both Saturn and Neptune won't be out of Pisces until early 2026, so prepare to put up with the issues of these placements until then.

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