Bisexual Tendencies in the Chart

Bisexuality is not always indicated in the chart -there can be other factors involved, such as upbringing, exposure, or free will, but the planets can certainly have sway. Also, just about everyone is bisexual to some degree, whether conciously or unconciously. It may be that at some time in the past humanity was perfectly bisexual before the sexes became as distinct as they are today and it may be that someday we will become so again. Dietary, genetic, and environmental factors play a large part in the balancing or unbalancing of our sexual natures.

Astrology shows that, ideally, each of us should be 50% male and 50% female. There are, after all, six masculine signs and six feminine signs as well as six male planets an six female planets(one of which is still unconfirmed). In the ideal chart, where every planet is in its own sign or element, the sexual nature is perfectly balanced or as it should be. The very masculine fire planets -Sun, Mars, and Jupiter are in the very masculine signs Leo, Aries, and Sag, and the less masculine planets -Mercury, Uranus, and Asc(Earth), are in the less masculine air signs Gemini, Aquarius, and Libra. Likewise, the very feminine planets -Moon, Neptune, and Pluto are in the very feminine signs of Cancer, Pisces, and Scorpio and the less feminine planets of Venus, Saturn, and X are in the less feminine signs of Taurus, Capricorn, and Virgo. A mixing of fire and air will still retain the masculine nature in tact as will a mixing of water and earth.

The blurring or negative imbalances of the sexes occur when masculine planets are situated in feminine signs or feminine planets in masculine signs. Venus, for example, is a feminine planet, but what happens when it is in a masculine sign like Leo or Gemini? It then becomes both female and male or "bisexual". Let me reiterate that we should all be 50/50 in terms of sex, but the QUALITY or PURITY of that maleness or femaleness is determined by the proper mixing of planet and sign. Venus in a masculine sign(fire or air) produces a tomboyish or sexually indistinguishable nature as will any other planet not in its gender. It also follows that planets not in their proper gender have more of a tendency to veer towards homosexuality or lesbianism.

Not only is a bisexual or double-sexed planet an imbalance in itself, but it will negatively impact the balanced ones as well. Moon in fire, for example will "domesticate" what would otherwise be a purely outgoing Sun or Mars in fire. To see the bisexual potential in your chart, simply compare the number of well-placed planets(by sign) with those that are not. Below is a chart clarifying this.

Well-Placed Planets
(weak tendency towards bi-sexuality)
Not Well Placed
(strong tendency towards bi-sexuality)
Sun, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, or Asc. in Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sag, or Aqu
(36 placenents)
Sun, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, or Asc. in Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Cap, or Pisces
(36 placenents)
Moon, Venus, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto, or X in Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Cap, or Pisces
(36 placenents)
Moon, Venus, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto, or X in Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sag, or Aqu
(36 placenents)

The well placed planets will properly balance the male and female elements of your chart while the others will not. There are gradations of each as the following chart shows.

Well-Placed Planets
Not Well Placed
Extremely Masculine(fire/fire)
Sun, Mars or Jupiter in Aries, Leo or Sag
(9 placements)
Very masculine(fire/air or air/fire)
Sun, Mars or Jupiter in Gemini, Libra or Aqu or Mercury, Uranus and Asc in Aries, Leo or Sag
(18 placements)
Fairly masculine(air/air)
Mercury, Uranus, Asc in Gemini, Libra or Aquarius
(9 placements)
Extremely polarized(fire/water or water/fire)
Sun, Mars or Jupiter in Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces or Moon, Neptune, Pluto in Aries, Leo, Sag
(18 placements)
Very Polarized(fire/earth or earth/fire)
Sun, Mars or Jupiter in Taurus, Virgo, Cap or Venus, X, and Saturn in Aries, Leo or Sag
(18 placements)
Extremely Feminine(water/water)
Moon, Neptune or Pluto in Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces
(9 placements)
Very feminine(water/earth or earth/water)
Moon, Neptune or Pluto in Taurus, Virgo or Cap or Venus, Saturn and X in Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces
(18 placements)
Fairly Feminine(earth/earth)
Venus, Saturn and X in Taurus, Virgo or Cap
(9 placements)
Very Polarized(air/water or water/air)
Mercury, Uranus or Asc in Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces or Moon, Neptune, Pluto in Gemini, Libra, Aqu
(18 placements)
Fairly Polarized(air/earth or earth/air)
Mercury, Uranus or Asc in Taurus, Virgo or Cap or Venus, Saturn and X in Gemini. Libra, or Aqu
(18 placements)

Pluto is a good example. Pluto works well in Cancer or Scorpio where its feminine qualities are naturally brought out. It is also good in the earth signs, such as Virgo, but a little less so. When Pluto is in a fire sign, like Leo, however, there is an odd sexual quality about the person that is neither male nor female but somewhere inbetween. This is also the case with Pluto in Libra or air, though somewhat less so than with the fire signs. It appears nature ideally wants us to have pure blend of male and female qualites rather than an abnormal one, and astrology can show this very clearly.

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