Distant Dwarf Planet 2018 VG18
Also nicknamed FAROUT, distant dwarf planet 2018 VG18, is an interesting object discovered in late 2018 by the Trujillo team.
It has an orbital period of some 929 years, estimated to be 500km(310 miles) in diameter, and with an inclination of 31.7 degrees.
It spends some 70 years inside or near Neptune's orbit whizzing through 6 zodiac signs(Libra to Pisces), and the other 850+ years outside of it.
Here is a rough ephemeris of its journey through the tropical signs of the zodiac.
Everyone alive today has it either in Taurus or Gemini.
1649-1750AD Leo(101 yrs)
1750-1788AD Virgo(38 yrs)
1788-1807AD Libra(19 yrs
1807-1818AD Scorpio(11 yrs)
1818-1827AD Sagittarius(9 yrs)
1827-1834AD Capricorn(7 yrs)
1834-1842AD Aquarius(8 yrs)
1842-1852AD Pisces(10 yrs)
1852-1874AD Aries(22 yrs)
1874-1943AD Taurus(69 yrs)
1943-2174AD Gemini(231 yrs)
2147-2491AD Cancer(317 yrs)
Here is a more detailed breakdown for our time...
1900-02=16Tau 1903-04=17Tau 1905-07=18Tau 1908-10=19Tau 1911-12=20Tau 1913-15=21Tau 1916-18=22Tau |
1919-21=23Tau 1922-25=24Tau 1926-28=25Tau 1929-32=26Tau 1933-36=27Tau 1937-39=28Tau 1940-44=29Tau |
1944-48=0Gem 1949-52=1Gem 1953-57=2Gem 1958-62=3Gem 1963-67=4Gem 1968-73=5Gem 1974-78=6Gem |
1979-84=7Gem 1985-90=8Gem 1991-96=9Gem 1997-03=10Gem 2004-10=11Gem 2011-17=12Gem 2018-24=13Gem |
Here is a breakdown of the Taurus-Gemini transition...
1942 May 25 to Dec.2 = 0Gem
1942/43 Dec.3 to May 3 = 29Tau
1943 May 4 to Dec.28 = 0Gem
1943/44 Dec.29 to Apr.8 = 29Tau
1944 Apr.9 to 2174 = Gemini